This conference is concerned that the new system for recording workplace sickness absence ‘Fit Notes’ is not providing adequate support to disabled women who are returning to work after periods of absence. In particular we are concerned that some parts of the medical profession fail to understand how public service workplaces are organised, the negotiated […]


Conference notes with deep concern the extent black people experience common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Regrettably the recent government announcement on the future of Disability Living Allowance and the welfare system could lead to significant mental illness as the majority of disabled Black people remain socially deprived and economically disadvantaged. It […]


In line with Dave Prentis’ press release declaring war on public service cuts, we are shocked this administration is introducing draconian cuts to government departmental budgets that will negatively and disproportionately affect disabled women. Of particular concern is the announcement that existing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants will have to undergo medical checks to continue […]


Rape is a violation of a woman’s human rights. Violence against women is difficult for any woman to experience, for a Deaf woman there are things that can make it extra hard to gain support, such as confidentiality, being part of a small community, lack of understanding and access issues. The aftermath of rape can […]


The Queen’s speech, presented on 25 May 2010 introduced a new Welfare Reform Bill. The Government states that the main benefits of the Bill will be: ·‘Making the benefits system less complex ·Improving work incentives ·Getting the five million plus people languishing on benefits into work and out of poverty. ·Reducing the scope for fraud […]


Conference notes UNISON’s proud tradition and record of international work. Conference notes that disabled people are often left behind in the social reconstruction following conflict. This can happen when the reconstruction is linked to the Medical Model of Disability or the Professional Gift Model for delivery of services. Adherence to the Social Model of Disability […]


Both the Disability Discrimination Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty have helped to reduce discrimination against disabled workers in the workplace. With regard to career and job opportunities available to disabled people, the public sector is at the forefront of anti-discriminatory practice by granting an interview to any disabled candidate who fulfils all essential […]

Raising the profile of Police Staff

Conference calls upon the Service Group Executive (SGE) to be proactive in raising the profile of police staff by ensuring that the government, the media and the public are made aware of the wide variety of roles we perform. These roles are commonly referred to as ‘back office’ functions, which is misleading and serves only […]

Shared Services, Collaboration and Mergers

Conference recognises that shared services and collaboration are now major issues for our members in police forces in England and Wales. Along with the Treasury’s Total Place initiative, collaboration threatens our members’ jobs, and the services they provide to local communities. Conference also notes that police force mergers are back on the agenda in some […]

Defending and Reforming the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Conference is alarmed by the ongoing attacks on the LGPS from politicians, local councils, the Taxpayers’ Alliance, the CBI, the Institute of Directors and others. Conference also notes with concern the government’s ‘cap and share’ proposals for cost-sharing within the LGPS. Conference welcomes the response by UNISON and the LGPS Trade Union Side and the […]

Cuts to Jobs, Pay and Services

Conference is appalled by both the speed and the scale of cuts that have already taken place and the extent of cutbacks that are being built into future expenditure plans by police authorities across England and Wales. This includes unnecessary and damaging plans by all political parties to freeze or cut Council Tax, with disastrous […]

Police Staff Protection

Since Modernisation the extended deployment of Police Staff has been recognised as a vital component in helping to tackle crime and provide visible patrols contributing to neighbourhood safety. At a time when all Forces are facing financial constraints Conference is concerned that Police Authorities will sacrifice Police Staff in order to maintain Police Officer numbers. […]

Mainstreaming LGBT Equality

During this period of public sector cuts, as we feel the impact on police and justice, this conference notes the risk of dwindling support for equality issues, including lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) issues, in the police and justice services. Police and justice diversity departments face downsizing and our members face cuts or increasing […]

Communicating with LGBT members

Police and ustice Conference affirms the importance of excellent communication in our union organising, noting that those who are most isolated often need our communications the most. Conference notes that UNISON does not monitor or record which of its members are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) members. This means that the only way to […]

Value for Money

Conference condemns the recent criticisms of police staff not providing “value for money” by the Police Federation. Conference calls for all Police Authorities to look at further civilianisation of posts which do not require warranted Officers to carry out the role. Civilianisation of these posts will realise savings for individual Police Authorities while releasing those […]