Working Against the Far Right

Conference recognises the hard work and achievement UNISON activists have made in combating the rise of the far right. The campaign heavily focused on the discriminatory and criminal nature of the far right, especially in terms of their racist policies, statements and actions carried out by far right group members. We know that far right […]

Sexual Orientation, Religion and Belief

Conference notes that work place discrimination against Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) people became illegal in December 2003 and discrimination on accessing goods and services for LGB people became illegal in April 2007. Conference is saddened by the remarks made by Bishop Nazir-Ali, Anglican Bishop of Rochester, when he commented in July 2009, at the […]

European Election Results

Conference notes with concern the gains far right parties made in the recent elections for the European Parliament. Unfortunately, due to the poor turnout of electors, seats were secured in some areas. Members of the European Parliament (MEP) are elected to represent the views of all their constituents and not just their own supporters, so […]

Reclaiming Pride

In light of the current economic crisis, threats to jobs and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) services due to lack of funding, the rise of the far right and an increase in homophobic hate crime, there can be no doubt that the need for a strong, political movement to promote and defend the LGBT […]

Training on the new single equality legislation

Conference welcomes the new Equality Bill and that it has provisions for sexual orientation and gender reassignment groups who experience discrimination, harassment and victimisation. However, conference is keen to ensure that all activists are updated with the new requirements to be met by employers and public bodies. Conference notes that while the main anti-discrimination provisions […]

Transgender policies at work

Conference recognises and commends the work that the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee has completed with regards to transgender issues. Conference also welcomes the Gender Equality Duty which will hopefully help to eliminate the prejudice and harassment of transgender members in their employment. However, conference continues to be concerned with the lack […]

Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Older People

Conference acknowledges the work currently being undertaken in Scotland with regard to the equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender older people. The aim of the work is to deliver a high quality of service to older LGBT people and to ensure that they are treated equally. It is important to state that no ‘special’ […]

Pride in our heritage

Conference is concerned that we continued to be classed as a staff association within certain sections of the police service. UNISON is a Trade Union and as such we should take pride in our heritage, Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1) ensure that the term Trade Union is reflected in all dealings with […]

Police Staff Council (PSC) Handbook – Section 5 – Return to work after childbirth

‘Conference notes with concern that the provisions in Section 5 of the Police Staff Council Handbook, covering the right to return to work after childbirth, are no longer fit for purpose in the light of recent trends in employment. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to negotiate with the PSC to update the Handbook in […]

Effective Training and Support for Discipline Stewards in the Police Service

‘Our members who find themselves the subject of Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigations deserve the best representation possible. The training provided by UNISON is sufficient for the provision of basic skills for the purposes of representation in a discipline process. For Staff who may find themselves the subject of a Professional Standards Interview where […]

Privatisation and Outsourcing of Police Staff Roles

Conference is asked to show its support to our colleagues who are losing status and jobs, and who are having their terms and conditions undermined and removed by privatisation and collaboration, and requests leadership, advice and guidance from the Service Group Executive. By working together we can protect jobs and the service to the community. […]

Safeguarding our Pay Award

‘Conference wishes to congratulate the SGE on achieving a successful outcome to the Police Staff Pay claim. The current economic climate continues to put a strain on the finances of our members and their families. The agreement will assist in alleviating some of that hardship in particular for our low paid members. Conference acknowledges that […]


Conference notes with concern the increase in “partnership working” within all of our public services, which is masking the reality of outsourcing, and undermining the excellent value for money service already being provided by our members. Within the Police Service this is steadily increasing, however at the end of February 2009 Cleveland Police announced that […]

Arrangements for the new Service Group

Conference welcomes Probation and Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (CAFCAS) members into the Service Group and hopes they will enjoy similar success to that of Police Staff. Now that Police staff will be Sector based and not a Service Group in our own right, it is it important to ensure that any outstanding […]

Health & Safety of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s)

Conference is concerned that our PCSO members are increasingly being used to fill gaps in front line policing. As a result of this, they are deployed to confrontational situations, and because they are not equipped accordingly, they face ever increasing risks to their health and safety. it is evident that our members are being directed […]