Women’s Participation

Conference welcomes the ongoing work and consultation regarding women’s participation in the LGBT self organised group following motions carried at the 2005 LGBT Conference. Conference recognises that the time scale of a year was not sufficient to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive consultation took place which included the views of LGBT women who are not […]

Library Stock of Interest to Transgender People

Conference understands that, although books and other written materials of interest to transgender people do get published, their print runs are often limited, they go out of print quickly, and they are not widely advertised around the library and bookseller world. In addition Conference believes that although films, videos and DVDs of interest do exist, […]

Supporting the Work of ILGA and Developing UNISON’s International LGBT Work

This Conference acknowledges the campaign contribution of ILGA as an expression of international solidarity for LGBT communities across the world and as the only genuinely world wide LGBT affiliation based organisation which has for a number of years been a core focus of our international solidarity work. Conference further recognises that our work with ILGA […]

Workforce Modernisation and “Jobs for the Boys”

Police staff welcome the increased ‘civilianisation’ of roles in the Police Service that workforce modernisation has brought. Less welcome is the inequitable way appointments to these new posts are often handled. On too many occasions the successful ‘candidate’ for a newly civilianised post is the recently retired police officer who carried out that role, pre-retirement. […]

The Collapse of Police Reform

Conference is concerned at the sudden collapse of the Police Force restructuring process. UNISON Police Staff recognise that Home Office plans to address issues identified in “Closing the Gap” were ill-thought out and underfunded. Little consideration was given to the implications of our members future employment and terms and conditions. Forces have been asked to […]

Participation and Confidentiality

Conference notes that participation and confidentiality in relation to attendance at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Conference is paramount. Conference is therefore dismayed by the decision to add the Police Staff Service Group Seminar and Conference onto the ‘back’ of our Conference. This decision raises serious concerns of confidentiality in that there is […]

Operational Staff Groups

Conference notes that a number of public sector employers are engaged in a process of setting up staff groups, from workers who self-identify within equality and diversity strands. Examples are groups for women, for black and minority workers, for disabled workers and for LGBT workers. These groups can inform and advise the employer on matters […]

The Ongoing Campaign Around Blood, Organ and Bone Marrow Donation

Conference notes that Resolution 92, passed at the UNISON National Delegate Conference 2006, called for a review of research that currently means the National Blood Service bans Gay or Bisexual men from donating blood. Conference further notes that the resolution also asks that UNISON has effective input into any National Blood Service review of the […]

Promoting Branch Self-Organisation

Conference notes with some concern that many UNISON branches in the UK do not appear to have an active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender self organised group (LGBT SOG). Conference believes that branch-level LGBT SOGs are a key way to ensure visibility of the diverse LGBT agenda within branches, and that they serve as a […]

Conference Attendance and Accountability

Conference notes with increasing concern that Conference business is liable to fall from the agenda if delegates are not on the Conference floor at the appropriate time. Conference should recognise that the funding of attendance is from national, regional and branch level and as such delegates have a responsibility to their branch/region to ensure that […]

Training on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues within the Public Sector

Conference notes that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) recognition within family friendly policies is sketchy despite the Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that line managers knowledge and interpretation of these policies is often lacking and open to misinterpretation. Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee to: 1.Work in conjunction with the service […]

Best Value and PFI

Conference notes with great concern the lack of work done by the Service Group Executive, in campaigning at all levels within the Service, to retain the management and operation of Custody Suites in the Public Sector (Motion 15 Conference 2005) This Conference notes that with the collapse of the restructuring process of Police Forces in […]


Conference recognises with great pride the success of the introduction of Police Community Support Officers within England and Wales. It is a shame that this invaluable work is not recognised by the employer or the Home Office. The Janes’ Police review Community Police Officer of the Year Awards recognises the work of Community Police Officers […]


Conference notes that the Government’s headline statistics for Police Officer strength do not differentiate between those officers in front line roles and those undertaking roles which could be undertaken by Police Staff. As political parties of all persuasions see this crude figure as a campaigning issue, there is a risk that the Government might be […]


This branch of UNISON attended the 2006 TUC May Day Rally held in London which called for Trade Union Rights for 21st Century and workplace justice. As part of the fastest growing service group within UNISON, we were proud to show our solidarity with fellow trade unionists and allies the world over, on this important […]