The Importance of Branch Magazines in Water, Environment & Transport Branches

This WET Conference, 2017 notes that the United Utilities branch produces a regular magazine entitled U3 which assists the visibility of UNISON in the many geographically spread workplaces and in turn, the retention of existing and recruitment of current non-members. Other branches in the WET Service Group could benefit from producing their own versions specific […]

Water, Environment & Transport Conference Health & Safety Event 2018

This Water, Environment & Transport Conference notes the success of the WET H&S event of 2016 and past events and calls on the WET Executive in conjunction with UNISON’s H&S unit to organise a similar event in 2018, noting that our Service Group has some of the riskiest occupations within our membership of the whole […]

Local government and the cuts

Conference notes: 1) The major changes taking place in the role of local government; 2) That central government funding for local government has been in steep decline since the beginning of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2010, and that local government has taken the brunt of the policies of public sector ‘austerity’ […]

Workplace mental health in local government

Conference believes that mental ill-health among the local government workforce is a huge and growing concern. A culture of long hours working, bullying, harassment and abuse is commonplace among local authority staff, with three quarters reporting consequent rising stress levels and declining morale. Meanwhile growing levels of sickness absence, with no cover due to cuts […]

Apprentices in the NHS

Conference notes that the apprenticeship levy and the adoption of targets by the four country administrations will drive an upsurge of apprenticeships in the NHS. The imperative for NHS organisations to recoup the money they are now required to pay into the levy means that apprenticeships will become a major means of training and developing […]

Living wage: supporting branches to win and maintain Living Wage status

Conference notes the success of branches who have previously won a pay rise for their lowest paid staff through Living Wage campaigns. Their successes should be celebrated and used to inspire other branch-led campaigns across the country. However, whilst increases to the Living Wage are to be welcomed, conference notes that some employers have fallen […]

Health and Social Care Integration – Closing the Gap

Conference notes the findings from the recent report identify that here in the North East Combined Authority (NECA) area, the health and wellbeing gap with rest of the UK remains high, facing challenges in cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, mental health problems and rising levels of excess life expectancy. The Region is served […]

Sustainability and Transformation Plans

Conference is hugely concerned that the plans by NHS England to develop Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) have to date had no local involvement of the key groups and stakeholders who will be affected by these plans. Local politicians, trade unions and more importantly local communities have been excluded from all discussions and initial consultations […]

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP’s)

Conference notes that Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) are plans for the future health and care services in England and were to support the NHS to deliver the changes set out in the ‘5 Year Forward View’. They first appeared in planning guidance at the end of 2015 and their original purpose was to: 1)Improve […]

Supporting members through service transformation

Conference notes that across the UK there are a number of current initiatives seeking to bring about service transformation. These include, but are not limited to, Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) in England, the ten year vision for health and social care based on the Bengoa report in Northern Ireland, and further moves towards more […]

Refreshing Agenda for Change

Conference notes that negotiations have been taking place with NHS Employers over refreshing Agenda for Change. Conference calls on the Health Service Group Executive to reject any proposals that lead to a detriment to our members.

Health and Social Care Integration and New Commissioning and Organisational Models

Health Conference welcomes the growing acknowledgement in the public policy discourse that our health and social care systems are inter-related and interdependent. Health Conference believes that, where there are problems with the availability and quality of social care provision, the knock-on effects are felt in the NHS – both in increased demand for front-end health […]

Sustainability and Transformation Plans in England and the Funding Crisis in Our NHS

Health Conference notes with alarm the growing crisis of underfunding in our NHS. The King’s Fund has reported that the share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on health has dropped from 8.8% in 2009, to 7.3% in 2014/15, and is projected to be just 6.6 percent in 2020. Conference condemns these cuts that do […]

Tackling Low Pay across our NHS

This Conference congratulates UNISON Scotland in their outstanding success in tackling the scourge of low pay in the health service. From October 1st 2016 all staff employed in NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change Band One had their posts reviewed and all were offered Band Two posts with only very minor adjustments to their roles. […]

Eradication of Band 1

Conference congratulates Scotland for agreeing the eradication of Band 1, with suitable protection for those not wishing to move to Band 2. This is a major step forward in dealing with low pay. In Cymru/Wales we are beginning those negotiations, but given the difficult financial situation we will be stronger if all devolved nations had […]