United we stand – Divided we fall

For many years Black people, have faced discrimination. Remember it was the government of this country that asked us to come here to provide our labour, to build Great Britain. We have seen from the Windrush scandal and the disrespect shown towards our sense of patriotism, including the racism of government officials illustrated by the […]

United we stand – Divided we fall

For many years Black people, have faced discrimination. Remember it was the government of this country that asked us to come here to provide our labour, to build Great Britain. We have seen from the Windrush scandal and the disrespect shown towards our sense of patriotism, including the racism of government officials illustrated by the […]

Black Women in Leadership

Conference notes statistics show there is a clear lack of Black women in leadership positions. Black women are still under-represented in senior roles in the workplace. This is often because many Black women though they have the qualifications, experience and practicalities for the job role, they are often overlooked for their white counterparts. This may […]

United we stand – Divided we fall

For many years Black people, have faced discrimination. Remember it was the government of this country that asked us to come here to provide our labour, to build Great Britain. We have seen from the Windrush scandal and the disrespect shown towards our sense of patriotism, including the racism of government officials illustrated by the […]

Black Women in Leadership

Conference notes statistics show there is a clear lack of Black women in leadership positions. Black women are still under-represented in senior roles in the workplace. This is often because many Black women though they have the qualifications, experience and practicalities for the job role, they are often overlooked for their white counterparts. This may […]

Gender Pay Gap – Valuing Black Women

Conference congratulates UNISON�s �Bridge the Gap� campaign and leading the call to eradicate the gender pay gap. Conference welcomes the introduction of mandatory reporting introduced in 2018 that exposed the true extent of the gender pay gap; however, simple reporting of the issue is not enough. Legislation needs to be implemented that looks at the […]

Gender Pay Gap – Valuing Black Women

Conference congratulates UNISON�s �Bridge the Gap� campaign and leading the call to eradicate the gender pay gap. Conference welcomes the introduction of mandatory reporting introduced in 2018 that exposed the true extent of the gender pay gap; however, simple reporting of the issue is not enough. Legislation needs to be implemented that looks at the […]

Gender Pay Gap – Valuing Black Women

Conference congratulates UNISON�s �Bridge the Gap� campaign and leading the call to eradicate the gender pay gap. Conference welcomes the introduction of mandatory reporting introduced in 2018 that exposed the true extent of the gender pay gap; however, simple reporting of the issue is not enough. Legislation needs to be implemented that looks at the […]

Black Workers in the NHS and Disciplinary Procedures

The NHS in England and the rest of the NHS across the UK is dependent on Black workers in all types of roles, it’s time that they put in place policies and procedures that will not just deal effectively and fairly with their Black staff, but also in 2020 it’s time to have effective scrutiny […]

Black Workers in the NHS and Disciplinary Procedures

The NHS in England and the rest of the NHS across the UK is dependent on Black workers in all types of roles, it’s time that they put in place policies and procedures that will not just deal effectively and fairly with their Black staff, but also in 2020 it’s time to have effective scrutiny […]

Black Workers in the NHS and Disciplinary Procedures

The NHS in England and the rest of the NHS across the UK is dependent on Black workers in all types of roles, it’s time that they put in place policies and procedures that will not just deal effectively and fairly with their Black staff, but also in 2020 it’s time to have effective scrutiny […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Challenging racism and disability discrimination in the workplace: An intersectional approach

Conference notes that Black workers face numerous barriers in the workplace due to racism and that UNISON works hard to combat this through programmes such as Challenging Racism in the Workplace. However many disabled Black workers face multiple discrimination in the workplace. In particular, Black workers can find it difficult to access reasonable adjustments at […]

BREXIT and Black Workers

Conference notes that in June 2017, Theresa May, finally set out the UK Government�s position on the future rights of EU citizens, which on paper offers those who arrive lawfully before Brexit the chance to build up the same rights to work, healthcare and benefits as UK citizens. However, this offer lacks detail, is likely […]