Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists in the electricity and gas industries and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the Energy service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists within water, environment and transport employers and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the WET service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Rule G The Branch Committee

Add new Rules G 2.2.8 and G 2.2.9: “.8 shall from 1 January 2014 maintain records of its financial transactions, assets and liabilities using the national online branch accounting system (OLBA); .9 shall from 1 January 2014 develop an appropriate annual budget as part of the joint branch assessment process in accordance with the Union’s […]

Rule H Payment to Branches

Delete existing wording of Rule H.4.2 and replace with: “With effect from 1 January 2014 such sums shall be remitted by branches in accordance with a timetable to be published to branches concerned by the National Executive Council and paid into a current account held in the name of the branch with Unity Trust Bank.”

Rule D Composition

Rule D Delete “Rule G.9” and replace with “Rule G.10”

Rule D Self Organised Groups

Amendment to Rule D 4.2 In existing D 4.2, delete all after “shall be, within the framework of the rules of the union, to” and replace with: “assist the union to: .1 promote the union’s equalities and bargaining agenda .2 defend jobs, terms and conditions and services .3 build its density and have a strong […]

Rule C Retired Members

Rule C 2.6.1 Delete “in receipt of a pension and who are not in other paid employment.” and replace with “are retired.” Add new Rule C2.6.2 “Retired members who return to paid employment, which falls within the scope of Rule C 1, will be obliged to pay the appropriate subscription rate to remain in UNISON […]

Campaigning, recruiting and organising around health and safety

Conference recognises the importance of health and safety as a campaigning, organising and recruiting tool, particularly in the light of the government’s continued assault on the health and safety regulatory system, including: 1)cuts to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authority budgets resulting in the continued reduction in the number of workplace inspections; […]

Building on our recruitment campaign

Conference welcomes the major recruitment drive whose aim has been to strengthen the union in order to defend better our member’s interests and campaign even more effectively in defence of public services. Conference believes that the next stage of this work must be to step up the union’s work to bring more members into active […]

Kick It Out – Racism has no place in football

With the events of racism being highlighted amongst several high profile football players, it is clear that the game has some way to go to shed itself of this vile and evil mindset. When FIFA president Sepp Blatter under played the significance of racism in the game it raised concerns about his ability to deal […]

Fighting privatisation

Conference welcomes and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Events have shown that campaigning against privatisation does work and that public opinion is on our side and not on the side […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference welcomes UNISON’s policy calling for free travel at all times on buses and trains across Britain as a whole and that this should be funded by the Government as per the policy document ‘Moving Forward’. However, inconsistencies in provision across Authorities and cuts in funding for this provision are having an effect on the […]

Facility time in the Environment Agency

This conference is greatly concerned to learn of the Cabinet Office’s decision to extend its guidance on trade union facility time beyond government departments to non-departmental public bodies (NDPB’s) including the Environment Agency. UNISON is the biggest trade union in the EA and has had a key role in securing employment policies, terms and conditions […]

Green Deal

The conference notes that the Coalition Government launched the Green Deal in Jan 2013. This supposed deal was introduced to encourage households to make their homes more energy efficient by having works carried out with little upfront cost but instead paying the costs via energy bills over a many years. As well as the potential […]

The Impact of the Regulator on Pay and Conditions of Members in the Water Industry

Conference notes the critical role that Ofwat play in regulating the privatised water industry. It also notes that despite the role of the regulator, profits within the utility businesses have increased to record levels making the owners and key executives very wealthy. Despite the increased profits, members have seen their pay and conditions attacked over […]