Rule K Conditions

Rule K 6 After “fails to pay contributions”, insert: “at the correct rate as set out in Schedule A,”

Rule C Becoming a Member

Rule C 5.2 Delete existing rule and replace with: “5.2 A member of a political party or organisation, whose constitution, aims or objectives is/are expressly or impliedly contrary to the equality objectives of UNISON set out in Rules A.3 and/or B1.2 and/or B1.3 of the UNISON Rule Book, shall not be eligible for membership of […]

Rule C Obligations of Membership

Rule C.6.4 After “is paid to the Union”, and before “on the date on which it is due” insert: “,at the correct rate as set out in Schedule A, and”

Tamil Solidarity

On 18 May 2009, the Sri Lankan government declared victory after nearly 30 years of war against the Tamil-speaking people in the north and east of Sri Lanka. In the final months of that conflict, more than 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed. In the immediate aftermath of the war, hundreds of thousands were rounded up […]

Bullying in the workplace

Public sector cuts have had an unprecedented impact on women, with increasing numbers accepting redundancy and voluntary early severance. Those women who remain in the workplace are experiencing an increase in bullying behaviour as work pressures mount; unrealistic deadlines are set; performance expectations raised unreasonably and fears and uncertainties about individuals positions increase. Vulnerable clients […]

Campaigning for a living wage

UNISON continues to support the campaign for a living wage recognising that the National Minimum Wage is not sufficient and that the living wage takes into account the real cost of living and is independently calculated. In London the London Living Wage is set annually by the Greater London Authority (the current hourly rate is […]

North South divide – the disproportionate impact of government cuts

The North East economy was growing at the same rate as London until 2009. Until 2008 there was an increase of over 11.2% in the number of North East residents in work, against a national average of 9.2%. Compare this to where we are now with an unemployment figure of 12% the highest in the […]

Young, gifted, Black and unemployed

Conference believes that the level of unemployment amongst young Black people in the UK is a disaster. The current economic crisis has had a severe effect on the livelihoods and futures of Black workers, especially young Black workers. Research has shown that since the recession started, an alarming 48% of young Black people are currently […]

Cuts and the Black member experience

Black members are on the brink of economic meltdown from the coalition governments’ cuts, scapegoating and hypocrisy. The cuts to public services have directly affected Black members and the most vulnerable in our society, creating anger and a real sense of injustice. Conference is deeply concerned that despite over 40 years of anti-racism legislation, Black […]

Schedule B Fatal Accident Benefit

Insert new Schedule B 2.8.3 and renumber accordingly: “2.8.3 The above benefit will rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) immediately after the National Delegate conference each year. However if the RPI falls into a minus percentage the above benefit will not be reduced.”

Schedule B Accident Benefit

Insert new Schedule B 2.7.3 and renumber accordingly: “2.7.3 The above benefit will rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) immediately after the National Delegate conference each year. However if the RPI falls into a minus percentage the above benefit will not be reduced.”

Schedule B Death Benefit

Insert new Schedule B 2.6.3 and renumber accordingly: “2.6.3 The above benefit will rise in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) immediately after the National Delegate Conference each year. However if the RPI falls into a minus percentage the above benefit will not be reduced.”

Local government pay is an equality issue

Conference notes that the myth of the well-rewarded, secure and complacent public sector worker and the reality of local government pay are worlds apart. In 2011, 8% of full-time workers and 38% of part-time workers in local government – a quarter of the workforce – earned less than the Living Wage of £7.20 an hour. […]

Women and the cuts

Conference condemns the continued attack on women and the price they are paying for the harsh austerity measures. Women’s unemployment stands at a 23 year high, with a staggering 1.09 million women unemployed. Cuts in public sector employment are having a disproportionate effect on women, and women in communities across the country are struggling to […]

End child poverty

Conference is deeply concerned that the UK has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the industrialised world. It is a national disgrace that the UK has proportionally more children in poverty than most rich countries. Almost four million of our children will grow up in poverty and these numbers are rising. This […]