
This Conference supports wholeheartedly Composite E which was carried at the 2002 UNISON National Delegate Conference. This Conference notes that we all rely on the pension earned during employment to provide a reasonable standard of living in retirement and financial protection for our families and partners in the event of death or ill health. This […]

Ending of Tax Penalty on Pensioners

This Conference is concerned that nearly a million pensioners are being penalised on tax free allowances because of restrictions imposed by the Government. Such age allowance restrictions penalise modest savings and punish those who have worked to earn a decent pension. Conference requests the National Executive Council to raise this matter with the Government and […]

Improvements in Communications

This Conference believes that existing means of communications between UNISON at a national level and branch retired members’ groups are practically non-existent. Conference strongly urges the National Retired Members’ Committee to take urgent remedial action to improve this situation. In particular, Conference requests that some form of regular publications such as the National Retired Members’ […]

Violent Attacks

Conference agrees that violent attacks on the elderly and people with a disability is now an every day occurrence, because the sentence for the crime is light and ludicrous. Conference requests the National Executive Council to give full support to the campaign that seeks from this Labour Government a statutory additional penalty against anyone who […]

Care Home Closures

This Conference condemns the fact that 700 long term care homes in England and Wales were closed during 2001 due to repeated loss of government funding. This Conference requests the National Executive Council, Affiliated Political Fund and other appropriate organisations to use their good offices with the current government to seek to reverse this trend […]


This Conference recognises the legal requirements of sex discrimination and race discrimination. It also recognises that age discrimination is used but is not illegal. This Conference demands that age discrimination is made illegal and instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to make all representations through the National Executive Council, Affiliated Political Fund and other appropriate […]

Proposed Changes in Benefit Payment System 2003

During 2003, no exact date at present, the Benefits Agency is proposing to cease the payment of all state benefits, including benefits to pensioners, via the present weekly order book system. Instead, they intend to make payments to clients on a four week basis, direct into a bank account, thus removing yet another freedom of […]

Care Homes

This Conference calls upon the National Executive Council, Service Groups and Affiliated Political Fund to make representations to the Government to keep open local authority residential homes by any means possible, as care in the community is often inadequate for the needs of the recipients. This Conference deplores the fact that many people in residential […]

Race Relations (Amendment) Act

Conference welcomes the introduction of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, but believes if it is to provide a framework to improve race equality in public services then UNISON nationally should be preparing regions and branches to face the challenges ahead by ensuring the Stephen Lawrence Report is acted upon by responding to the MacPherson […]

Opposition to the Proposed Single Equality Commission

The Government has announced that it intends to create a single equality commission to champion women, gay people, ethnic minorities, the elderly and disabled people. If this radical merger takes place it could dilute the rights of different minority groups. The Government’s intention is to have one body that can enforce the rapidly expanding body […]

Institutional Racism

It has been almost ten years since the death of Stephen Lawrence. In that time we have heard Dave Prentis say: “UNISON believes that tackling the problem of institutional racism within public services is essential not only for black workers but also to improve public services”. This is why it is important to establish what […]

Support the European Social Forum

Conference welcomes the organisation of a European Social Forum (ESF) in Italy in November 2002. We believe the ESF will be a unique chance for anti-racist activists and trade unionists from across Europe to come together and discuss how to organise against free market policies and Bush and Blair’s war. We support the Call of […]

The Infiltration of the British National Party (BNP) into the Political Landscape

The issue of race is sensitive now as at anytime in the 25 years of the Commission for Racial Equality’s existence. The far right is on the rise across Europe and, in this country, the BNP has gained a foothold in local government and this is very disturbing. There have been race riots in several […]

Publicity for Black Members’ Conference

Conference notes that this is the tenth Conference that the National Black Members’ Committee has held but there has never been any occasion where the mass media – press, local and national newspapers and television – have given publicity to the National Black Members’ Conference, especially on the first day of Conference by interviewing key […]

Diwali and Ramadan Celebrations

Conference believes that the National Black Members’ Committee over the last five years has compromised the attendance of black members from the Hindu and the Muslim community in attending the National Black Members’ Conference. Each year the National Black Members’ Conference is scheduled in either late October or early November and therefore these dates have […]