NHS Dentistry

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to take appropriate steps to ensure the government addresses the problem of lack of National Health Service dental provision. The shortage of such dental practices is discriminating against older people on low incomes who are unable to afford private treatment.

Packaging Standards

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to make representation to the appropriate organisation responsible for packaging standards, with a view to easing the opening of packages, jars and bottles for older people. Considerable difficulties are experienced in opening packages, jars and bottles, especially when suffering with fingers and hands crippled with arthritis/rheumatism and so […]

Pay Not Poverty Campaign

Violence Against Health Workers


Two Tier Workforce, Private Contractors and Agenda for Change

Low Pay and Recruiting Private Contractors Staff

Private Finance Initiative

Guidelines for Next of Kin Issues and Recogniton of Same Sex Families

Implementing the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Promoting Equality in the NHS

Improving Working Lives

Agenda for Change – Mental Health Services

Agenda for Change – Facility Time

Agenda for Change – Renegotiations