Organising for Probation Reunification

Conference notes the Government’s announcement that all offender management work currently undertaken by the Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) in England will transfer to the National Probation Service (NPS) in spring 2021 and in Wales by the end of 2019. This is likely to involve the transfer not only of approximately 7,000 staff from the CRCs […]

Police Force Gender Pay Gaps

Conference notes with concern the evidence of gender pay gaps for police staff in forces in England and Wales. From 6 April 2018 all public sector employers, including police forces, have been required by law (Gender Pay Gap Regulations) to publish details of their gender pay gap. The requirement is for this data to be […]

The Macpherson Report: Twenty Years On

Conference welcomes UNISON’s submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into ‘The Macpherson Report: Twenty Years On’. Conference notes with concern the following statistics on the representation of Black staff within the police workforce set out in our submission to the Committee: 1)The proportion of Black police staff and in particular Black Police Community […]

Opposing the Cap on Exit Payments

Conference notes that in 2015 and 2016 the Government legislated for a cap of £95,000 on exit payments in the public sector. In April 2019 the Government launched a consultation on proposed draft regulations and guidance to bring the legislation into force. The consultation ends on 3 July 2019. Conference further notes that: 1) The […]

Pay Progression is a Contractual Entitlement

This Conference notes that at the point of transfer of probation staff to Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) and the National Probation Service (NPS) on 31 May 2014 the “National Agreement on Staff Transfer and Protections” provided that “the CRCs and NPS will adopt the existing Agreements on Pay and Conditions of Service for all staff”. […]

Excluding future HE, FE and sixth form staff from LGPS (England)

This union opposes plans, outlined in the consultation “Local Government Pension Scheme: Changes to the Local Valuation Cycle and the Management of Employer Risk” launched on the 9th May 2019, from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government , that would allow further education colleges (FECs), higher education institutions (HEIs), and sixth form colleges […]

Police forces at pride events

Conference notes that increasing numbers of police forces sponsor or support their local Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Plus (LGBT+) pride events, seeing them as opportunities to build confidence in the community, showcase their commitment to diversity and equality, and recruit new staff. Conference believes that Pride events offer a similar opportunity to UNISON police and […]

PCC’s and Precept Increases 2019

This Conference notes that the Government raised the maximum amount that the Police Precept portion of Council Tax could be increased by. The majority of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) therefore used this offer from Government to increase their Police Precept by this increased maximum amount. Many PCCs used the justification that it was to […]

Two Bites of the Misconduct Cherry

Conference notes the practice of many Police Professional Standards Departments using evidence gathered for the purpose of a criminal investigation during internal misconduct proceedings of Police Staff Employees. Conference is appalled at this practice. Conference believes the data and information gathered for the purpose of a criminal investigation should not be used for any other […]

No place for profiteers in Probation

The privatisation experiment of Transforming Rehabilitation has shown that there is no place for profiteering in Probation services. Many of the Community Rehabilitation Companies ran into trouble very quickly as a result of unachievable contracts which inevitably lead to reductions in staff, service quality and standards. Conference should be reminded that all of these Probation […]

National Insurance and the state pension

The National Insurance scheme was established in 1948 to provide unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, retirement pensions and various other benefits to employees and pensioners in the United Kingdom (UK). From the contributions an initial allocation is set aside for the National Health Service (NHS) and the remainder held in the National Insurance Fund (NIF) which […]

Away from Home Overnight Allowance

The Police Staff Council (PSC) Handbook 2017 introduced payment of an overnight allowance payable to police staff in certain circumstances. Sadly many months after its welcome inclusion in the handbook the circumstances under which the allowance can be paid remains unclear in many police forces. Conference therefore calls for those entrusted to negotiate with the […]

Equal Pension

Conference notes that: 1)The Supreme Court decision in Walker v Innospec in July 2017, that upon John Walker’s death his husband should get the same pensions as would a wife had he married a woman, relies upon European Union (EU) law and sets aside a provision of the United Kingdom’s Equality Act 2010 that permitted […]

Bring All of Probation Back Into Local Democratic Control

This conference notes the Government’s decision to bring all offender management work currently carried out by privately owned Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) back into the public sector from the Spring of 2021. This is an admission that the Government’s Transforming Rehabilitation (TR) reforms have failed despite the best efforts of CRC staff and some CRCs […]


In SO2.1 Delete “end of one Retired Members’ Conference” and insert “time of their election onto the Standing Orders Committee”.