Tax Relief on UNISON Subscriptions

Conference notes that roles in Police and Probation Services have developed over the years, with many roles requiring specific qualifications and ongoing vocational accreditation, and this is only likely to increase in the future. Our Police Officer colleagues are able to claim some tax relief on the subscriptions they pay to the Federation and within […]

Future Directions dispute in Rochdale and the use of anti union laws

Conference deplores the use of anti union legislation by Future Directions, a Community Interest Company, to frustrate a 96% vote for industrial action by its workforce in Rochdale on a ballot turnout of 72%. On 24 May 2013, the employer secured an interim injunction to restrain a three day strike (barely 12 hours before it […]

Disability Access for Events

Conference recognises the work done at national level to ensure the access needs of disabled members are met when attending national events. Conference also notes the commitment of the union in ensuring disabled members are enabled to fully participate in all the work of the union. However, national events and circumstances are not always mirrored […]

The Ageing Workforce

This conference recognises that the changes to the State Retirement Age will create enforced working until the age of 68 will be a financial disaster for many disabled members. While some workers will be able to meet the demands of their jobs, many more will find their physical and mental health will reduce their ability […]

Bangladeshi garment workers

Conference shares the shock and horror felt around the work at the death of over 1,000 mainly female garment workers in the collapse of a factory building in Rana Plaza, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dangerous working conditions are endemic in the garment industry in Bangladesh and deaths are shamefully all too common. The scale of this tragedy […]

Continuing the fight against privatisation

Conference congratulates and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Campaigning against privatisation does work and public opinion is on our side and not on the side of the privateers in government. […]

Rule C Unemployed Members

Rule C 2.4.1 After “redundant” add: “or having accepted a compromise agreement as an alternative to dismissal.” After “date if dismissal”, remove “or” and add “,” after “redundancy” add “or agreement”.

Work capacity assessment and the denial of disability

Conference rejects without qualification the revised Work Capability Assessment (WCA) that underpins the government’s drive to deny people who are sick or disabled the financial support they need because they cannot secure paid work. Thousands of disabled people’s lives are being turned upside down by the new assessment regime used to decide eligibility for Employment […]

Training and development of Black workers

Conference is concerned about the lack of development opportunities for Black members working in the Energy Industry. For instance British Gas Business Spinneyside have a large proportion of Black members, most are on L8 with less L7 (team managers) and fewer at senior management and above. This is disproportionate considering the number of Black members […]

Recognizing Problems With Regard To Hot-Desking.

As Energy Companies strive to maximise their profits, we note with concern the use of ‘’hot-desking’’ as an Employer tool to avoid investment in work space. This is particularly true of call centre operations where staff is accommodated on a first come first served basis. However the use of hot desking is now more widespread […]

A living wage and a living pension

Conference believes that low pay is not just an issue for those underpaid, it also blights our local communities. Low paid workers often have to work long hours to support their families making it hard to spend what little disposable income they have on their children’s education, community activities and leisure or even in local […]

New Human Resource Initiatives

In recent years the industry has seen the widespread introduction of new Human Resource initiatives. These include Performance Management, Personal Improvement Plans, revised sickness policies. Such policies are introduced on the pretext of modernisation and improved efficiency. Academic research shows there is little economic benefit from such policies and confirms the view that they are […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists in the electricity and gas industries and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the Energy service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Rule H Payment to Branches

Delete existing wording of Rule H.4.2 and replace with: “With effect from 1 January 2014 such sums shall be remitted by branches in accordance with a timetable to be published to branches concerned by the National Executive Council and paid into a current account held in the name of the branch with Unity Trust Bank.”

Rule D Composition

Rule D Delete “Rule G.9” and replace with “Rule G.10”