PFI Contracts

Conference is well aware of the Best Value regime and its rigorous requirements to Compare, Contrast, Compete and Consult. Conference is also aware of the number of contracts and services which have been externalised, outsourced or relocated. Let’s be honest they have been privatised. However, the rigorous examination ends when the privateers get their hands […]

Funding Fair Pay in Local Government

Local Government Conference notes that whilst both Central and the Welsh Assembly Governments have stated that they wish to see a fair and transparent pay and grading system in local government they have failed to take the opportunities, presented by recent amendments to local government finance, to passport money through to local authorities who are […]

Charter for Workers’ Rights

Conference deplores the continuing violation of international laws by the UK Government and regrets the fact that the UK framework of trade union rights was once again condemned by the International Labour Organisation in June 2002 and by the European Court of Human Rights in July 2002. UNISON believes that without an effective voice through […]


Conference is concerned that we failed to achieve proportionality by the year 2000. But women in UNISON must not let our union forget this policy. It is still important that those who hold power within UNISON, or who represent it should reflect the make-up of the membership. We should continue to strive towards this target […]

A Vision for Education

The issue and challenges facing the UK’s education system continue to be of concern to this union. Whilst Conference acknowledges the promise of more money for the education system as a whole, too many of our children are still failing to reach their full potential. Participation rates beyond 16 are marked by social inequality. Years […]

Public Sector Pay

Conference welcomes the 2002 Budget and Third Comprehensive Spending Review which committed the UK Government to sustained long-term investment in public services, thus reversing a 30 year trend of austerity, decline and public spending cuts. However Conference notes with concern the increasing pressure in Bank of England, government, private sector and media circles in support […]

Ten Years On – Investing in our Future

Conference celebrates UNISON’s forthcoming tenth anniversary on 1 July 2003 and acknowledges the achievements of our union in campaigning for fair pay and conditions for all workers, for the rights of trade union members, for our campaigns against racism, sexism and disabilism and international trade unionism. We must now make the next ten years a […]

Privatisation and the Two Tier Workforce

Conference supports UNISON’s committment to well funded publicly owned, publicly controlled and democratically accountable public services and notes our opposition to privatisation (Positively Public Campaign). Conference notes UNISON’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the two tier workforce which results when private contractors employ new staff on different contracts, usually on far worse terms […]

Black Women and Employment

Conference notes the TUC’s report “Black and Excluded” which looks at black workers and pay. The report notes that black women are disproportionately represented in certain sectors such as public health, education services and textiles, which are traditionally low paid sectors. Within these sectors black women are further disadvantaged by being concentrated in lower graded […]

Employment Rights for Women with Premature Babies

Under the current legislation, a woman giving birth to a premature baby that requires hospitalisation finds she has the same amount of maternity leave as the mother of a baby that can go home. This Conference recognises the additional stress on mothers and their families trying to cope with babies who have yet to come […]

Survival of the Prettiest

Conference is appalled at the body image of women promoted and marketed from the latter part of the 20th century as the one to which all women should aspire. Not only is this body image unachievable but more crucially it serves to support the rising sales of cosmetics and personal care products. Conference agrees that […]

Women in Sport

Conference is concerned about the continuing invisibility of women in sport. Despite what may be considered to be saturation coverage of sporting events by terrestrial, cable and satellite television, very little of this coverage is of women’s sport. Indeed it could be argued that sport on TV has become synonymous with men’s sport, and the […]

Motion for Initiating a UNISON campaign on a Woman’s Right to Choose

This Conference reaffirms its commitment to support UNISON’s campaign for a woman’s right to choose In recent years there has been an upsurge of anti-abortion activity by so called “pro-life” campaigners. This has been aided and abetted by the popular media and misinformation about abortion. Some NHS Trusts no longer offer abortion after 14 weeks, […]

Fair Rights for Carers

Statistics show that the majority of carers are women. The results of The General Household Survey 1995 (completed five yearly), the latest published in 1998 gave the following statistics: 1)One adult in 8 is a carer and one in 6 households (16%) contains a carer; 2)There are 5.7 million carers overall in Great Britain; 3)1.7 […]

Car Jacking

This Conference is alarmed at the rapid increase of car jacking incidents taking place, often against women drivers. Many women are lone workers, collecting pensions and shopping for the elderly and housebound. This puts them at greater risk. Also, many women lead extremely busy lives, working, shopping and ferrying children around, so it’s no wonder […]