NHS Funding

Conference welcomes the one billion pounds extra for the National Health Service (NHS) in 2002/2003 that was announced in the pre Budget report. Also that the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, promised spending would continue to rise bringing the rest of the UK into line with other European countries. Conference notes that it will take longer […]

Third Comprehensive Spending Review

Conference notes that the third Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR 3) will report in the summer of 2002 and cover the period 2003-2006 and believes that the three priorities should be: 1)increasing spending on public services and staff to secure world class services; 2)increasing capital investment without using Private Finance Initiative/Public Private Partnership (PFI/PPP); and 3)reducing […]

Positively Public Campaign and Public Residential Care Homes for Vulnerable Older People

This Conference: 1)Supports UNISON’s Positively Public campaign and all the initiatives that have arisen from it; 2)Notes with alarm that public residential care homes are rapidly disappearing and that this has not been highlighted in the Positively Public campaign and needs to be addressed urgently; 3)Recognises the dramatic loss in the number of publicly owned […]

Rule B.4 General

Add B.4.6: “B.4.6To seek to ensure that members, activists, representatives and staff are treated with dignity and respect at all times when participating in the Union’s democratic structures. Also that members, activists, representatives and staff seeking the Union’s services provided by external suppliers are treated similarly by the providers of those services.”

Rule D.4.1.3 Self Organised Groups

Rule D.4.1.3 delete “members with disabilities” and insert “disabled members.” In addition, replace “members with disabilities” with “disabled members” throughout the Rule Book, i.e.: Rule B.2.3, delete “members with disabilities” and insert “disabled members”.

Rule D.2.2 Regional Representatives

Insert new sentence in italics at the end of Rule D.2.2.1 as follows:- “Each member shall continue to occupy her reserved seat notwithstanding that her pay may increase to a rate above the said basic hourly rate, provided that the increase does not arise as a result of the member choosing to change her job.”

Rule D.1.3 Composition

Insert new Rule D.1.3.4 as follows:- “1.3.4No branch delegate may attend and speak at the Conference as a person in any of the categories set out in Rule D.1.7.” D.1.7 delete: “The following persons shall have the right to attend the Conference and to speak, but not to vote:” and insert: “1.7The following persons shall […]

Rule C.2.4 Unemployed Members

Delete first sentence and existing C.2.4.1. Insert new C,2.4.1 as follows: “2.4.1Members dismissed or made redundant from employment within the meaning of C.1 who notify the branch secretary in writing within six months of loss of their employment may acquire unemployed membership for two years from the date of dismissal or redundancy. This entitles them […]

Rule D.3 Service Groups

Rule D.3.1.1, delete “Water” and insert “Water and Environment”

Developing a Young Members’ Organising Culture

Conference acknowledges that young members are the future of UNISON and that it is vitally important they are supported and encouraged to be active. Conference welcomes the commitment being shown to young members by the national Union through the prioritising of organising and recruiting work with young members, including the young members organising and recruitment […]

Campaign Against Privatisation

This Conference believes that the private ownership of essential services is being increasingly exposed for the disaster that it is. The state of Britain’s railways has revealed particularly clearly what happens when the mandatory priority of an undertaking is to maximise the profits of its shareholders. Private ownership can clearly be seen to reduce equality, […]

Counselling Service for Lay Members

Exploratory work has been undertaken to meet the requirements of Motion 162 from National Delegate Conference 2001. This has involved a review of research into the causes of stress and consultation with regions and activists on the effects on those lay members dealing with stressful situations arising from their trade union duties. Conference notes that […]

Anti-Terrorism Legislation

Conference recognises the distress and horror felt across the world at the terrorist attacks in September 2001. Conference appreciates that the UK Government is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of our citizens, and is entitled to pass appropriate legislation, but tough legislation must always be balanced by appropriate safeguards to protect civil liberties. […]

Rule G.4.1.1 Branch Officers

After “International Officer” insert “Membership Officer”

Care for the Elderly

This Conference notes with concern the ever-increasing privatisation of elderly care, which has a disproportionate effect on women. This is as a direct result of the Government’s policy on funding a mixed economy, Best Value and the proposed new standards for residential establishments. All local councils are reducing the number of care beds they provide, […]