Organising for Equality – Training

Conference welcomes the publication of “Organising for Equality – UNISON Guidelines on Self Organisation”. However, conference regrets how briefly these guidelines discuss training. Conference considers there needs to be systematic availability of training to members of self-organised groups and further training on the roles and responsibilities of officers and representatives. Conference instructs the National LGBT […]

The Equalities Review

This conference expresses concern about some of the findings and recommendations that The Equalities Review published in its Interim Report for Consultation. In particular, conference considers that: 1.The report’s rejection of a ‘strand-based’ approach is merely a fig-leaf to ignore or downplay certain strands especially gender identity; 2.It relies too much on academic research and […]

Publicity Materials and Training on Transgender Issues

Conference acknowledges the amount of LGBT publicity materials and information documents produced by UNISON. Conference, however, notes that Transgender specific materials are limited. Conference is also aware that training on Transgender issues for UNISON members is very patchy, while welcoming the work that is being done, for example by Northern Ireland and Scotland LGBT groups. […]

Participation and Confidentiality

Conference notes that participation and confidentiality in relation to attendance at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Conference is paramount. Conference is therefore dismayed by the decision to add the Police Staff Service Group Seminar and Conference onto the ‘back’ of our Conference. This decision raises serious concerns of confidentiality in that there is […]

Promoting Branch Self-Organisation

Conference notes with some concern that many UNISON branches in the UK do not appear to have an active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender self organised group (LGBT SOG). Conference believes that branch-level LGBT SOGs are a key way to ensure visibility of the diverse LGBT agenda within branches, and that they serve as a […]

Conference Attendance and Accountability

Conference notes with increasing concern that Conference business is liable to fall from the agenda if delegates are not on the Conference floor at the appropriate time. Conference should recognise that the funding of attendance is from national, regional and branch level and as such delegates have a responsibility to their branch/region to ensure that […]

Operational Staff Groups

Conference notes that a number of public sector employers are engaged in a process of setting up staff groups, from workers who self-identify within equality and diversity strands. Examples are groups for women, for black and minority workers, for disabled workers and for LGBT workers. These groups can inform and advise the employer on matters […]

Training on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues within the Public Sector

Conference notes that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) recognition within family friendly policies is sketchy despite the Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that line managers knowledge and interpretation of these policies is often lacking and open to misinterpretation. Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee to: 1.Work in conjunction with the service […]

The Ongoing Campaign Around Blood, Organ and Bone Marrow Donation

Conference notes that Resolution 92, passed at the UNISON National Delegate Conference 2006, called for a review of research that currently means the National Blood Service bans Gay or Bisexual men from donating blood. Conference further notes that the resolution also asks that UNISON has effective input into any National Blood Service review of the […]


Historically disabled people have been victims of discrimination, marginalisation and in some cases, murder under fascist regimes. This National Disabled Members Conference applauds and fully supports UNISON nationally for its publicity campaigns that expose the British National Party for what it really is – an organization that discriminates against people on ground of disability, sexual […]


Disabled people are constantly presented with barriers, and in some cases hazards arising from modern methods of packaging products. In terms of labelling particularly foods stuffs and medications there are major barriers as a consequence arising from the formats used to produced such information. Therefore this conference calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee to […]

Disability Discrimination Act

West Midlands Regional Disabled Self-Organised Forum notes that with the further provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act coming into effect on the 4 December 2006 instructs the National Disabled Members Committee to work with both National and Regional Unison Education Officers to produce and provide a specialised training programme for Lay Activists and Staff in […]


Conference applauds UNISON’s commitment to ensuring that its members are kept informed on various health issues. This information is generated by various committees within UNISON including Health and Safety and Women’s Self Organization etc. Many of these leaflets and publications could be used to inform members of their rights under the Disability Discrimination Act. The […]

Employment and Disability (Access to Work)

This Conference notes that: 1)There are 6.8 million disabled people of working age in Britain – 1 in 5 of the total working population. 2)Only 50% of disabled people of working age are in employment compared to 81% of non-disabled people. 3)1 million disabled people without a job want to work 4)The average gross hourly […]

Amendment to NDMC constitution 01

1)Item i) first paragraph, last sentance “Such members must be Deaf native British Sign Language Users and at least one shall be a woman”. Delete native as British Sign Language Users and insert and/or Hearing impaired 2)Item vii) where members are listed Deaf Members insert and/or Hearing Impaired