Commission for Equality and Human Rights

In June 2004 the government was consulting on a white paper Fairness for All on the setting up of a commission for equality and human rights. This commission will replace existing equality bodies including theDisability Rights Commission. Conference notes that equality legislation is different for different groups (such as race, gender, disability, sexuality). In particular […]

Monitoring of Attendance of Disabled Delegates to National Delegate Conference

UNISON is committed to achieving proportionality and fair representation at conferences and throughout its structures. Currently branches entitled to send larger delegations are obliged to maintain reserved seats for low paid members, young members and other under-represented groups. There are processes in place to ensure that this is monitored for women and black members. This […]

Review of the National Lay Membership Structure

This conference notes the actions taken to date by the Executive regarding the review of the Energy, Transport and Water and Environment service group structures at national level. Conference notes the outcome of the consultation exercise with all three service groups. Conference further notes that the majority of Water and Environment branches who responded have […]

Domestic Violence

Conference recognises that domestic violence is an issue that affects police staff members both as workers and as citizens. It is an issue that is relevant to both policing and trade unions. Conference welcomes the recent moves by Government to raise awareness of domestic violence and to improve the provision of services to victims, particularly […]

Public Holidays at Weekends

Conference notes that this year Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day fall on a weekend. On these occasions Police Officers working shifts receive paid compensation additional to the Saturday and Sunday, i.e. Monday 26 December, Tuesday 27 December and Monday 2 January are effectively Bank and Public Holidays, for which Police Officers are […]

Salary Cards

Conference notes last year’s motion (No 23 and amendment 23.1) on salary cards was carried as amended. The motion instructed the Service Group Executive to produce salary cards each year with revised salary scales. Conference notes that such a card was produced but was inadequate as it did not contain the spinal column points. Conference […]

Police Reform

Conference is disappointed that again the Home Office are issuing guidance and statistics under the banner of ‘Police Reform’ which is excluding police staff in a number of areas. The Home Office is either not aware of, or are choosing to ignore, the wide range of roles that police staff perform. Conference instructs the Service […]

Union Facilities

This Conference is concerned about the lack of consistency shown by the Home Office in the provision of funds for secondments to police associations and trade unions. Funding is provided at a national level for police federation secondments at all ranks and the National Black Police Association (NPBA). Conference recognises that the Service Group Executive […]

Highways Agency

Conference is dismayed at the lack of progress by the Service Group Executive on this issue. Police branches received a circular in October 2003 which outlined the following agreements: 1)establish a National Consultative forum, including UNISON and the Civil Service Unions who are recognised by the Highways Agency; 2)regularly exchange information; 3)agree a national strategy […]

Removal of Intolerant Sickness Absence Sanctions

Conference condemns the introduction of intolerant and mandatory sickness absence sanctions such as the Bradford Score, when used as part of managing attendance policies. The Bradford Score can be set at any trigger point, whereby after a number of days off or a number of spells of absence a management action occurs. This crude approach […]

Health and Safety

Conference notes with concern the lack of guidance and advice for branches relating to health and safety issues for police staff. More and more of our members are becoming ‘front-line staff’ yet information on health and safety for police specific issues is rare. The police service is going through many changes and branch resources are […]

Short -Term Funding

Conference notes the continued short-term funding for police staff for initiatives such as PSCOs and Custody Officers. Conference also notes that the short- term funding for Volume Crime Investigators is soon to run out. The reluctance of the Home Office to recognise that successful initiatives should be permanently funded is unacceptable. Continuance of this stance […]

Workforce Modernisation

Conference understands that the Home Office wishes to engage with UNISON and other stakeholders over a police pay and workforce strategy for England and Wales. Conference notes that this engagement may now take place in the context of the PSC Pay and Reward Review. Conference confirms that it wishes to see the following problems being […]

Negotiating an End to Disability Discrimination

This Police Staff Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to promote negotiated agreements that make provision for Disability Leave. We are concerned that there is no adequate legislative provision to compel Police Authorities to disregard disability related absence and the consequence of this in relation to sickness absence procedures. There […]

Police Staff SGE Annual Report

This Conference receives the report of the Police Staff Service Group Executive.