This conference welcomes the establishment of the TUC and non-TUC Health Trade Unions ‘NHS Together’ campaign which in conjunction with the UNISON ‘Say YES to 5 Healthier Options’ campaign provides a campaigning strategy to keep the NHS working in the public sector. This conference supports and applauds the leadership role provided by UNISON’s Healthcare Service […]


Around 64% of people would choose to die at home if they had a terminal illness and yet a little over 20% actually do so. In fact, 56% of people die in hospital, though that is the preference of only 11% of the population. Clearly, the healthcare system is failing to meet patients’ wishes in […]


Conference notes the current trend in government policy towards shifting the balance of health care provision towards primary care and away from acute sector provision. Conference reaffirms its opposition to the continued move towards increasing contestability and fragmentation in the provision of primary care services. Conference believes that this move will lead to a poorer […]


Conference notes the financial difficulties currently facing the NHS and the effect that this is having on staffing levels. Conference expresses its concern that job freezes within the NHS are having a profound effect on the number of jobs available for new graduates in the health professions, including those completing their training in occupational therapy. […]


Conference welcomes the excellent work of the primary care campaign to date and recognises the importance of the work already underway within UNISON to develop a training programme for stewards in primary care settings. Conference recognises the difficulties involved in recruiting potential members within primary care trusts, which are often dispersed over wide geographical areas, […]


Conference welcomes UNISON’s excellent work in highlighting the issue of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment is one of the leading causes of stress and ill health in the workplace. Bullying is unacceptable, offensive, intimidating, malicious, insulting or humiliating behavior. It is an abuse of power that attempts to undermine staff. Harassment is conduct that […]


Conference notes the report on the progress towards agreeing a new unsocial hours payment scheme for all NHS workers covered by the Agenda for Change agreement. We are concerned that these proposals will leave members in some branches worse off than the interim arrangements – for example ambulance members working a full 24 hour rota. […]


In September 2006, NHS Logistics showed their solidarity in strength with two one-day strikes, the 1st in the NHS for nearly 20 years. More than 85% were protesting about new labours continuing use of the private sector in the NHS. Unfortunately, NHS Logistics Members now have to work under DHL and a new name “NHS […]


This Conference is concerned about the increasing number of members involved in Blue Light duties who are being subjected to punitive actions by their health service employers when their diabetes status is declared. Branches have reported that neighbouring fire and police authorities are continuing to make reasonable adjustments in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act […]

Psychometric Testing – a Barrier to Discriminate Black People

UNISON welcomes the efforts made so far by councils, the National Health Service, and other public service providers in Great Britain, who have committed themselves, to fully implement and mainstream equality. In claiming equality of opportunity and fairness, many public service providers use psychometric tests as part of their selections and recruitment process for technical, […]

Support for Black Members’ and Activists

Conference reaffirms UNISON’s reliance on active stewards/officers in all workplaces, covering all groups of members, for organising and delivering for members. Therefore support given to stewards/officers to enable them to do their job must be a central priority at all levels within the union. It is noted that such volunteer representatives give considerable commitment, often […]

International Work

Conference welcomes UNISON’s high priority given to international work. This is consistent both with our commitment to oppose war, poverty, oppression and exploitation wherever it arises. However, in a world dominated by the ‘globalisation of capital’, it is also a matter of vital importance to all our members that conditions of workers around the world […]

Claiming our Children from the Streets

With increased cuts in youth services and the impact this has on young people in inner city communities’ Conference notes with concern the level of youth offending and gang cultures. Conference notes with great concern the most recent spate of black on black violence manifesting in street robberies assaults and in some instances the murder […]

Migrant Workers

National Black Members Conference welcomes the overwhelming support expressed at UNISON National Delegate Conference 2005 for Composite G, which called for an amnesty for illegal workers to end exploitation. We note that the successful composite dealt with the vital need to organise migrant workers, and also called upon the Government to grant an amnesty for […]

Challenging Racism: Challenging Islamophobia

Conference notes that data from the census reveals that Muslim communities face disproportionate disadvantage compared to other groups: the highest rate of unemployment, the poorest health, and the highest levels of disability. This was confirmed in TUC’s 2005 report which highlighted that 69% of Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities live below the poverty line. Research by […]