NHS Professionals – campaign for recognition

Conference notes that NHS Professionals provides temporary clinical and non-clinical staff to the NHS, as bank workers. Originally formed as a national staffing service in 2001, NHSP later became a Special Health Authority. Then in 2008 it was incorporated as a private limited company, owned by the Department of Health and Social Care. In 2017 […]

Democracy, devolution and inclusion – updating our HSGE’s ways-of-working

Conference notes the HSGE’s consultation with regional health committees (RHCs) during the autumn of 2023 which looked at issues of democratic legitimacy within the Executive’s ways-of-working. Focusing on HSGE decision-making around pay and bargaining policy, the consultation considered the impact of UK devolution and the balance of time devoted to those members directly covered by […]

Equipping branches to tackle race discrimination in the NHS

Conference notes that, as mandated at Health Conference 2023, UNISON has continued to strengthen and promote its Race for Equality Campaign throughout 2023 Year of Black Workers. Over 100 activists and staff have now been trained as part of a regional roadshow in the use of the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) to tackle […]

Mileage rates: No more paying to work

Conference notes that many healthcare employers rely on staff delivering services using their own vehicles for transport – this is known as the use of the “grey fleet”. The use of personal vehicles is in most cases reimbursed by mileage payments, generally paid on a per-mile basis. Levels for “approved mileage allowance payments” are set […]

Regulation of managers in the NHS

Following the Letby case in 2023, there is growing political support for regulation of NHS management roles. Conference wants to see a supportive set of standards applied equally to organisations to help them create both a culture of good management and clarity about expectations of managers at all levels, from a first line manager looking […]

The NHS Must Become A Real Living Wage Employer.

The NHS Must Become A Real Living Wage Employer. More and more low paid staff employed by the NHS are earning a wage that is less than the Real Living Wage of £12.00 an hour as defined by the Living Wage Foundation. In the past it was difficult to get a job in the NHS […]

Gender Pay Gap: the pay punishment of women on NHS banks

Female dominated professions such as HCAs, Nursing and Admin within the NHS have long been undervalued and underpaid. The NHS Pay deal of 2023 applied only to staff on substantive NHS employment contracts. Bank workers did not automatically receive the pay uplift and this has disproportionally affected women members. Capable and brilliant women are being […]


Safe Staffing Conference notes the passing of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 (HCSA), which will come into force in April 2024, as the first piece of legislation in the UK to set out requirements for safe staffing across both health and care services. Conference recognises that the legislation places a number of […]

Subsistence Allowances

As the cost-of-living crisis continues to hit hard, and has detrimental financial implications for our members, we need to find every single possible way of increasing the monies that our members can earn. Recent pay increases for most of our members, but not all, have been welcome. However, the rising cost of inflation, and rising […]

Protecting members and protecting the public – developing future funding models for healthcare regulatory bodies

In the UK, there are 9 regulators of healthcare professionals regulating 34 professions across the UK. Conference notes growing concerns surrounding the future of funding of regulation for health care workers. A persistent concern from members is the continued increase in registration fees by different regulatory bodies, such as the Health and Care Professions Council […]

Ensuring quality preceptorship for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)

Conference notes the severe staff shortages across the NHS, including the allied health professions. Despite an overall growth in numbers of these professions, the vacancy rates continue to climb. Staff are suffering from burn out and stress and patient care is being damaged. Conference notes that newly qualified allied health professionals and new starters need […]

Bradford Score index out of the nhs

The Bradford score was introduced in the 1980’s from research done by Bradford University School of Management. This theory related to frequent spells of unplanned absence from employees, which could become detrimental to business performance. In comparison to longer spells of absences. Conference recognises that many NHS trust have adopted the Bradford scoring system within […]

Minor injuries units and outsourcing

Conference notes that Minor Injuries Units perform a crucial role in the treatment of acute patients who treat injuries that are not critical or life-threatening. But some minor injuries units also see more complex injuries. These complex patients can be referred directly to accident and emergency or to a speciality so being triaged away from […]

Health and Wellbeing

Research conducted in 2022 by King’s College London in collaboration with the NIHR ARC (National Institute for Health Research, Applied Research Collaboration), North Thames at University College London and NHS Trusts across England, showed that healthcare workers experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at twice the rate it appears in the general public. The COVID-19 pandemic […]

Keeping our people at the centre of People Policy Development

Conference notes the aim of NHS England to develop a suite of ‘simplified national people policies’ as set out in the NHS ‘Future of NHS human resources and organisational development’ report 2021. In addition to this national initiative, some Integrated Care Systems have begun developing their own ‘model’ policy frameworks. In Lancashire and South Cumbria, […]