Social Care, Privatisation and Disability

Conference restates its support for the principle that disabled people should have as much independence and control over their own care and support arrangements as is right for them whether by opting for local authority provision or through direct payments, provision should be subjected to a level playing field of regulation regimes, financial scrutiny, employment […]

School Support Staff

As a largely female, low paid workforce, organising and recruiting school support staff to improve terms and conditions has to be at the heart of UNISON’s agenda. The newly developed School Support Staff Negotiating Body will provide an opportunity to address discrepancies in pay and working conditions in schools. Conference will be aware of the […]


Conference notes – 1)Local Government employers are condemning Council workers to an effective pay cut in 2010/11. 2)That pay restraint for public sector workers will be a key element of the Government’s policy to reduce public spending. 3)The Government and employers are seeking to undermine national pay bargaining. Conference agrees a)The campaign for real improvements […]

Adult Funding Cuts and Redundancies in Further Education

Conference is extremely concerned by the cuts in adult further education (FE) funding and the impact these cuts will have on our members and communities. The Association of College (AoC) claims colleges in England alone will see cuts of between 10 – 25% in their adult learner responsive budgets for 2010//11. They estimate that unless […]

Sector Bargaining

Conference rejects calls by politicians and academics for local or individual bargaining in Local Government. Conference notes that the Local Government Employers (LGE) has given notice to terminate the JNC for Craft Workers to incorporate them into the NJC bargaining machinery. LGE have for some time been considering single table bargaining for all local government […]

Because You’re Worth It

Conference rejects the Local Government Employers’ ‘pay freeze’ imposed on the 1.4 million local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Conference deplores the fact that the employers have come to such a position without any negotiation. So far no offer has been made in Scotland in response to the SJC TU side pay […]

Youth and Community Workers and Outsourcing

Conference is very concerned about the effects of the recession on young people and their high unemployment rate. The mental health of young people suffered greatly in the 1980s recession. According to UNICEF, children and young people growing up in the UK suffer greater deprivation, worse relationships with their parents and are exposed to more […]


It is well known that young people are the future of this organisation and with that in mind we need a targeted advertising campaign to recruit more young Black members into UNISON, working directly with NUS Black Student campaign, UNISON young members and other Black orientated youth organisations. This conference is also aware that Apprenticeship […]

Defending and Reforming the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Conference is alarmed by the ongoing attacks on the LGPS from politicians, local councils, the Taxpayers’ Alliance, the CBI, the Institute of Directors and others. Conference also notes with concern the government’s ‘cap and share’ proposals for cost-sharing within the LGPS. Conference welcomes the response by UNISON and the LGPS Trade Union Side and the […]

Two-Tier Workforce

This Conference notes that large-scale privatisation is growing as a response to political ideology and finance pressures. This affects individual UNISON members in the Local Government Service Group and also affects our ability to organise collectively and effectively. TUPE and the “Two-Tier Code” were designed to provide legal protection for transferred and new employees, although […]


Conference congratulates members in Barnet UNISON on their successful campaign to protect the jobs of sheltered wardens and welcomes the decision of Slough and Hillingdon councils to bring their ALMOs back in house. Conference is alarmed at the emergence of proposals for stock transfer in Northern Ireland, the proposals by some councils with ALMOs to […]

Green Jobs, Green Services, Green Workplace Reps

Conference is alarmed at the 15,000 local government redundancies across the UK in the 15 months to February this year and deplores the negative consequences for the individuals affected and local economies dependent on their spending power. Conference notes that in an otherwise austere pre-Budget report, an additional £150 million was announced for the ‘Warm […]

Regulatory Authorities in Social Work

This Conference recognises the importance of ensuring that social work and related practice is of a high standard, and that regulatory authorities have a role to play in this process. The regulatory system must be one that has the confidence of the workers who are subject to its regulation, and must therefore to be seen […]

Total Place

This Conference notes the increase in local public services integration and ‘joined up’ service delivery within the UK nations. While we support initiatives that genuinely enhance the quality of local services and provide them in a more integrated and efficient way, we believe that initiatives such as ‘Total Place’ should be under local democratic control […]

Service Group Structures Review

This Conference approves the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive on the Review of the Local Government Service Group structure.