Review of the National Lay Membership Structure

This Conference notes the actions taken to date by the Executive regarding the review of the Energy, Transport and Water & Environment service group structures at national level. Conference notes the outcome of the consultation exercise with all three service groups and in the light of this agrees that further work is necessary subject to […]

Public Service – Public Transport?

This Conference notes that the Tory legacy of privatising local bus services in 1986 and the deregulation of rail services in 1994 has failed the travelling public of Britain miserably. This Conference calls upon the Transport Service Group Executive, in liaison with the NEC, to lobby the Government to reverse this failing Tory legislation and […]

Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation – Policing the New Legislation

Conference notes: i)That the long-awaited legislation protecting workers from discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation has now been in force for a number of months; ii)That some equalities policies, such as the Centrica policy, already included sexual orientation, and others have now been amended. However, Conference further notes that there is still much to be […]

Contractor Deaths on Water Sites

This Water and Environment Conference is very concerned about the decline in safety standards on sites such as those managed by United Utilities whereby three sub-contractors (including one aged 17) have died since Autumn 2003″. We call upon UNISON’s lay and paid officials on the (National) Water and Environment Service Group Executive with responsibility for […]

Partnership Fund

This Energy Service Group Conference notes the existence of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Partnership Fund which is established to jointly improve workers lives where partnerships exist. We note that both Thames Water and United Utilities jointly with the Trade Unions have recently been successful in obtaining £50K and £45.5K respectively which benefits […]

Fair Pay in the Environment Agency

This Water and Environment Service Group Conference notes that the Performance Related Pay (PRP) system operating within the Environment Agency provides an unfair pay system to many of our members employed by the Agency. This Conference is aware that the current PRP system in place is; Discriminatory Inefficient Subjective Discredits equalities and does not reflect […]

OFWAT Price Review

Conference notes the representations made by UNISON to both OFWAT and Government concerning the price review currently underway. It particularly welcomes the responses made to the various official consultative papers. Conference recognises that the new prices to be introduced in April 2005 will have a significant impact upon the employees of the water companies in […]

Unexplained Infant Death

Conference acknowledges the gross injustice that has persecuted, separated from their children, and imprisoned women largely on the evidence of an eminent professor. Professor Roy Meadows’ theories on unexplained infant death have been discredited by both the medical profession and the courts. Some women who received custodial sentences have now been released and others are […]

Angela Cannings

Conference congratulates Angela Cannings on winning her appeal in November 2003 against her wrongful conviction for murder for the tragic deaths of her children from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Conference applauds the appeal court judges for accepting the new medical evidence presented which clearly demonstrated a genetic link in cases of multiple SIDS, and […]

Fast Tracking NHS Staff back to work

Conference notes that despite a wide range of positive initiatives to recruit staff there is still a shortage of staff working in the NHS. Positive recruitment initiatives only partly meet the challenging needs of the NHS. Retention of staff is equally if not more important in maintaining service delivery and continuity of staffing skills and […]

Keep the NHS Public

This Conference is deeply disappointed that the Government won a narrow majority to establish Foundation Trusts. However it believes that the strong campaign of opposition led by UNISON at all levels of the organisation achieved significant concessions from the Government. The NHS continues to face significant attacks from the privateers both within and outside of […]

Access to Training and Education for “Non-Professional Staff”

Conference is concerned that access to training and education for “non-professional” staff is very limited or in reality non-existent in some workplaces. All staff in the NHS are important and essential to the delivery of services in the NHS. Therefore all staff should have equal access to training and education. Staff classified as “professional” are […]

Student Nurse Training – Secondment Opportunity

Conference welcomes the increased opportunities in certain areas for existing staff to undertake Nurse Training as part of a secondment opportunity. This Conference believes that by utilising the skills and experience of existing health workers all of the NHS will benefit with increased recruitment and importantly retention of Nursing Staff. This Conference however notes with […]

Recruitment and Representation of Senior Managers

This Conference is deeply concerned at the levels of membership amongst Senior Managers in Health branches. UNISON is rightly proud of being the major public sector union and in representing all grades of staff. However research shows very low levels of membership density amongst Senior Managers. We call upon the Health Group Executive to: 1.Work […]

Migrant Health Workers

Conference is increasingly concerned at the exploitation of migrant Health workers, which is taking place in Health Services in the UK. We recognise that the NHS has taken significant steps to address the exploitation and we welcomed the guidance, which was issued in 2003. However, during 2003 an estimated 40,000 overseas nurses applied for nursing […]