Schedule A: Rates of Subscription – 2 Full Membership

2.3, title, delete “and” and replace with “,” and add at end “and other unpaid leave.”

Rule C. Full Membership

Delete “or” and replace with “,” After “leave” insert “or other unpaid leave”

Schedule A: Rates of Subscription – 1 Full Members

Delete from “There shall be ” to “lowest paid band” and replace with: “There shall be eleven income bands, each with different subscription rates as follows effective from 1 October 2003: Income from EmploymentWeekly SubscriptionsMonthly Subscriptions £ £ Band A: 0 – 2,0000.30 1.30 Band B: 2,001 – 5,0000.81 3.50 Band C: 5,001 – 8,0001.22 […]

Bullying in the Workplace

Conference recognises that UNISON has always been at the forefront of the campaign to eradicate bullying in the workplace for the simple reason that such unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated. With great regret Conference recognises the fact that, in spite of this campaign, incidences of bullying are still happening. Conference therefore reaffirms its total […]

Part – Time Workers

Conference notes: 1)the increase in the use of part-time workers by employers in the public sector; 2)that part-time work does provide an acceptable solution for some in the work-life balance; 3)that employers use part-time work not for the benefit of employees but for themselves in terms of greater flexibility predominantly amongst women workers often low […]

Rule P.14.1 Limit of Speeches

Delete “seven” and replace with “five”

Pension Rights

For decades hundreds of thousands of workers, mostly women, were denied the right to belong to their employers’ pension schemes, solely on the basis that they were part-time, consigning them to state benefits of years poverty income in their retirement years. The union welcomes the recent legal victory for 60,000 workers and the role the […]

UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights

Conference draws to the attention of the National Executive Council the 2002 report and recommendations of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Committee makes far reaching recommendations to the UK Government as a signatory of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The recommendations of the Committee include: 1)the […]


The UK Government has committed to a course of privatisation of public services and the Treasury has also exerted pressure on devolved governments to follow suit. As a consequence the future of public services, our members who deliver them and the public who need them is in serious jeopardy. Conference notes that UNISON has been […]

Procurement and Equality

Conference declares that equality of opportunity and social inclusion should be a key feature of the public procurement process. Conference calls for the full integration of the statutory duty on race, including its extensive consultation requirements, to be mainstreamed into substantial procurement decisions and processes. We further call for a UNISON campaign to extend the […]

Employer Recognition of Branch Self- Organised Members’ Groups

Conference is concerned that employers do not recognise UNISON’s self-organised groups. As a result members are not allowed paid time off to attend meetings during work time. For the self-organised group this makes it difficult for members to get involved and to play an active part in trying to raise issues within UNISON. It is […]

Right to Care Campaign

In November 2001, UNISON, with a number of other organisations, launched the Right to Care Campaign. The aims of the Campaign are as follows: 1)that the Government must introduce personal and nursing care that is free at the point of use and funded from general taxation; 2)that this care should be the entitlement of everyone, […]

Organising Young Members

Conference notes that young members are at present not represented at all levels of the union. Conference believes: 1) that the way forward to improve young people’s participation and membership is to incorporate young members to the very heart of the union by co-opting a young member on to the National Executive Council; 2)that the […]

Non-contribution to Pension Schemes by Employers

We note with concern the proposals currently being considered by this ‘Socialist Government’ that employees may be permitted to work to 70 in order to provide adequate pension provisions for their retirement! This comes against a background of over 200 companies closing their final salary scheme in 2002 alone, and the knowledge that Energy Companies […]

Freedom and Justice for Samar and Jawad

Conference notes that: 1) Samar Alami and Jawad Botmeh were wrongly convicted in 1996 of conspiracy to cause explosions in relation to the 1994 bombings of the Israeli Embassy and Balfour House and they were sentenced to 20 years; 2) a campaign to have the convictions overturned has achieved widespread support here and abroad, including […]