Rehabilitation Services for Disabled People

This conference believes that disabled people should be entitled to an holistic assessment of their needs and to receive services to meet those needs, including rehabilitation and other support services. These services should be provided by appropriately trained and paid local authority staff within a good career structure. Conference welcomes the campaign by “The Guide […]

Private Sector Transfers and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act

More public services are being transferred out of the public sector and as a result members are now finding themselves based in the private sector where the lack of statutory duty under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 with private sector employers results in less protection against race discrimination in the workplace. Conference notes the […]

Local Government Restructuring

Conference understands that a White Paper on local government restructuring will be published in the autumn 2006 for legislation to be implemented by 2008. Conference believes that services in districts and counties in those areas affected will be subject to major disruption with severe cost implications and consequential impact on staff. Public statements so far […]

Job Losses – Proper Funding for Local Government

Conference notes the job losses in many local councils up and down the country. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)Carry out a survey of all local government branches to identify the extent of the problem and why funding problems are occurring 2)Start a campaign to lobby government for proper funding for local […]

Positively Promoting Disability Equality

This Conference notes: 1)That since 2001, all public bodies have – with the passing of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 – a legal duty to positively promoted race equality. This mandate applies to all bodies operating in the Local Government Service Group who provide services to the public; 2)That from 5 December 2005, the […]

Children’s and Young People’s Services

Conference notes the continued prevalence of bi-, homo- and trans-phobic bullying among children and young people and the continued absence, largely, of a positive image of Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals and Trans (LGBT) people from children’s and young people’s services. Conference believes that all schools, playgrounds, youth clubs, children’s homes etc. should be safe and […]

Jamaica Violence

This Conference notes: The senseless execution of Steve Harvey, a gay man who ran Jamaica AIDS Support for Life, an HIV/AIDS organisation on the island. He was abducted and shot dead on 30 November 2005. Conference further notes that over the last 18 months, that the murders of gay men in Jamaica are receiving more […]

Support for Members’ personal developments with the Health Service on knowledge and skills framework

Conference welcomes the provisions initiated by the government in introducing Knowledge and Skills Framework in the Health service. We consider the KSF provisions would provide opportunities for black member working at lower level within the NHS to develop their learning skills and career development within the Health Service. We call upon the National Black Members’ […]

Fair Representation and Proportionality

Conference remains concerned about the lack of uniformity from Regions and Branches in implementing Rule 1.4 of the rulebook. Conference also notes that UNISON has anti-discrimination policies which state that the principles of proportionality and fair representation shall be adhered to in the election of delegates and representatives. However, despite UNISON rules and anti-discrimination policies […]

Paid Black Officers

Conference is appalled at the lack of implementation of motion 202 passed at the 1997 national delegate conference despite opposition from the NEC. This motion called for paid black officers to be available in all regions in a similar way to the availability of Women’s Officers. Members note that despite the implementation of this motion […]

Citizenship Rights

This Conference deplores the fact that children born in this country can be denied citizenship rights depending upon the nationality of their parents. We note that this disgraceful discrimination on grounds of nationality disproportionately disadvantages black and ethnic minority people and that an increasing number of young people have, for example, difficulty in obtaining passport […]

Progress of Black members issues in UNISON

Black members remain increasingly concerned that certain repeat issues brought to National Black Members Conference for the NBMC and NEC to action on our behalf, remain unactioned. Members need only look at the range of repeat motions brought to conference to see that the repeat nature of the motions implies that Black members do not […]

Freedom and Justice for Samar & Jawad

Conference notes: 1. Samar Alami, a Palestinian Lebanese woman, and Jawad Batemh, a Palestinian man, have been wrongfully convicted in relation to the 1994 bombings of the Israeli Embassy and Balfour House, they were sentenced to twenty years and they have been in prison ever since; 2. In 2001 the Court of Appeal dismissed their […]


Conference expresses its deep concern that the leader of Burma’s democracy movement, Nobel Prize winner Aung Sun Suu Kyi, has now spent more than nine years under house arrest. Confernce notes that there are currently serious questions about her personal secruity; observes that, despite Burma’s military dictatorship announcing several initiatives to move towards democracy, prospects […]

Council of Europe draft Convention on action against trafficking in human beings

Conference welcomes the Council of Europe’s initiative to draft a Convention on action against Trafficking in Human Beings, as this will be the first international treaty, which sets out states’ obligations to respect and protect the rights of trafficked people. Conferences strongly urges the national union to support the measures in the Convention to provide […]