Workforce Modernisation and “Jobs for the Boys”

Police staff welcome the increased ‘civilianisation’ of roles in the Police Service that workforce modernisation has brought. Less welcome is the inequitable way appointments to these new posts are often handled. On too many occasions the successful ‘candidate’ for a newly civilianised post is the recently retired police officer who carried out that role, pre-retirement. […]

The Collapse of Police Reform

Conference is concerned at the sudden collapse of the Police Force restructuring process. UNISON Police Staff recognise that Home Office plans to address issues identified in “Closing the Gap” were ill-thought out and underfunded. Little consideration was given to the implications of our members future employment and terms and conditions. Forces have been asked to […]

The Ongoing Campaign Around Blood, Organ and Bone Marrow Donation

Conference notes that Resolution 92, passed at the UNISON National Delegate Conference 2006, called for a review of research that currently means the National Blood Service bans Gay or Bisexual men from donating blood. Conference further notes that the resolution also asks that UNISON has effective input into any National Blood Service review of the […]

Training on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues within the Public Sector

Conference notes that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) recognition within family friendly policies is sketchy despite the Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that line managers knowledge and interpretation of these policies is often lacking and open to misinterpretation. Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee to: 1.Work in conjunction with the service […]

Participation and Confidentiality

Conference notes that participation and confidentiality in relation to attendance at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Conference is paramount. Conference is therefore dismayed by the decision to add the Police Staff Service Group Seminar and Conference onto the ‘back’ of our Conference. This decision raises serious concerns of confidentiality in that there is […]

Conference Attendance and Accountability

Conference notes with increasing concern that Conference business is liable to fall from the agenda if delegates are not on the Conference floor at the appropriate time. Conference should recognise that the funding of attendance is from national, regional and branch level and as such delegates have a responsibility to their branch/region to ensure that […]

Best Value and PFI

Conference notes with great concern the lack of work done by the Service Group Executive, in campaigning at all levels within the Service, to retain the management and operation of Custody Suites in the Public Sector (Motion 15 Conference 2005) This Conference notes that with the collapse of the restructuring process of Police Forces in […]

Sickness Policy

This Conference calls upon the Police Service Group Executive to negotiate through the Police Staff Council a sickness policy that can be introduced in all Police Forces. The current sickness policies used by Police Forces are not deemed suitable or indeed fit for purpose by Police Forces. Most of the policies used by current Police […]

Workforce Modernisation

Conference notes the many initiatives which are underway in the Service under the heading of workforce modernisation. These can be broadly summed up as changes in the configuration of the workforce to produce more efficient and effective outcomes from the same resources. Examples include the recruitment of PCSOs, further civilianisation and the better use of […]

Force Restructuring

Conference notes with extreme concern the implications of the collapse of the police restructuring process in England and Wales. The collapse was caused by funding difficulties, which should have been resolved at a much earlier stage. This has led to confusion and insecurity for police staff members throughout England and Wales Conference believes that: 1)the […]

Citizen Focussed Policing and The Closure of Police Stations to the Public

The loss of direct services to the public and the loss of jobs of our members concern Conference. The citizen focussed policing initiative has seen the closure of police stations to the public with Police Staff either being re-deployed or under the threat of redundancy. This initiative which aims to provide a more accessible service […]

HMIC Inspections

All branches will be included in HMIC inspections including the various aspects of the benchmarking process. As part of these inspections UNISON is often included at branch level. As a key stakeholder and credible representatives of Police Staff, it is often disappointing that issues raised by branches do not feature within HMIC reports. The HMIC […]

Shift Rostering and Work Life Balance

Conference believes that Police Staff have the right to a reasonable work life balance and to be able to plan their lives accordingly. Shift workers within the Police Service often suffer from poor rostering and forward planning. Often our members are given short notice changes to their shifts because of major planned events, sickness or […]

We Are A Trade Union

Conference is dissatisfied with the continued classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of […]

Women’s Activism in the Police Service

Conference is concerned that police branches may be having some difficulties in encouraging women activists and women’s participation in branch activities. As the largest trade union in the UK with one million women members it is important to ensure that women are represented at all levels of the trade union. It is recognised that the […]