Strengthening self-organisation in police and justice branches

Conference notes the National Executive Council review on strengthening self-organisation, which reported to national delegate conference this summer after two years work. The review confirmed that self-organisation can revitalise union membership and organisation by providing ways for under-represented groups of members to get involved. The review also stressed the importance of integrating equality issues and […]

Lack of ACPO and APCC voice against Cuts to Policing

The North West Regional Police and Justice Committee is extremely concerned that there is no action/response from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) or the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) at a national level to identify the current and prospective impact on on-going cuts to policing budgets is having on delivering a […]

Mental Health within the Workplace

Our activists have become aware of the lack of awareness of officers and staff with regard to mental health issues within the workplace, in particular Staff who are returning to work after illness. Return to work plans tend to be mechanistic and focussed on the basic HR issues with little regard to the individual circumstances […]

College of Policing

Conference recognises the need for the Police & Justice service group to engage with the college to ensure so far as we are able, that the interests of Police Staff are represented adequately in their own right and not overshadowed by issues relating to police officers. We have been given the opportunity to have position […]

Tax Relief on UNISON Subscriptions

Conference notes that roles in Police and Probation Services have developed over the years, with many roles requiring specific qualifications and ongoing vocational accreditation, and this is only likely to increase in the future. Our Police Officer colleagues are able to claim some tax relief on the subscriptions they pay to the Federation and within […]

Training and development of Black workers

Conference is concerned about the lack of development opportunities for Black members working in the Energy Industry. For instance British Gas Business Spinneyside have a large proportion of Black members, most are on L8 with less L7 (team managers) and fewer at senior management and above. This is disproportionate considering the number of Black members […]

Effect of Government’s Austerity Measures on Black People

Conference deplores the devastating impact the Government’s austerity measures are having on Black communities and the most vulnerable groups in the society. Conference notes with concern the severity of the impact on people from the Black community. Research from the Institute for Public Policy and Research shows that the unemployment level for young Black people […]

New Human Resource Initiatives

In recent years the industry has seen the widespread introduction of new Human Resource initiatives. These include Performance Management, Personal Improvement Plans, revised sickness policies. Such policies are introduced on the pretext of modernisation and improved efficiency. Academic research shows there is little economic benefit from such policies and confirms the view that they are […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists within water, environment and transport employers and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the WET service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists in the electricity and gas industries and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the Energy service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference welcomes UNISON’s policy calling for free travel at all times on buses and trains across Britain as a whole and that this should be funded by the Government as per the policy document ‘Moving Forward’. However, inconsistencies in provision across Authorities and cuts in funding for this provision are having an effect on the […]

Facility time in the Environment Agency

This conference is greatly concerned to learn of the Cabinet Office’s decision to extend its guidance on trade union facility time beyond government departments to non-departmental public bodies (NDPB’s) including the Environment Agency. UNISON is the biggest trade union in the EA and has had a key role in securing employment policies, terms and conditions […]

Ofwat Price Review 2015-2020

This conference notes that Ofwat has launched its price review policy for the period 2015 – 2020. The SG Executive responded to the consultation raising major concerns on a number of fronts: a)The failure to propose a national scheme for the introduction of social tariffs to protect the most vulnerable households from ever increasing water […]

Green Deal

The conference notes that the Coalition Government launched the Green Deal in Jan 2013. This supposed deal was introduced to encourage households to make their homes more energy efficient by having works carried out with little upfront cost but instead paying the costs via energy bills over a many years. As well as the potential […]

The Impact of the Regulator on Pay and Conditions of Members in the Water Industry

Conference notes the critical role that Ofwat play in regulating the privatised water industry. It also notes that despite the role of the regulator, profits within the utility businesses have increased to record levels making the owners and key executives very wealthy. Despite the increased profits, members have seen their pay and conditions attacked over […]