Timing of Conference and of Annual Meetings of Members in the Service Groups

Conference notes that: 1.this Conference is timed to meet the deadline for motions for the Health Service Group Annual Conference. This means that motions for other service group annual conferences and for national delegate conference are agreed two or three months earlier than need be so; 2.the Local Government Service Group has agreed to move […]

Discrimination – Homelessness Provision

This Conference is concerned about discrimination faced by unmarried couples within homelessness provision within the greater Glasgow area and no doubt other areas throughout the UK. It appears that the major providers, including the City’s Hamish Allen Centre, cannot or will not process two people as a couple unless they can prove this, either by […]

Celebrating Our Milestones

Conference recognises the recent successes in working towards lesbian and gay (L&G) equality (most notably an equal age of consent, implementation of the Human Rights Act, laws on workplace discrimination, tenancy and adoption rights, the repeal of Section 28, the repeal of discriminatory sexual offences discrimination and the publication of Government proposals for the recognition […]

Strathclyde Police Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community Surgery

Conference notes that Strathclyde Police has introduced a monthly police surgery within the Glasgow Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Centre located in the heart of Glasgow’s city centre. This surgery was introduced in September 2002 with two main aims: to improve the provision of a police service for the LGBT community and to raise […]

Progress in the Police

Conference welcomes the progress being made by the majority of UK Police Forces in accepting diversity in all its forms but particularly in its final realisation that gay men and lesbians do, and should, be represented proportionally within its ranks. Conference applauds the brave lesbians and gay men who have, over the years fought to […]

Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003

Conference welcomes the advice from the Joint Select Committee on Statutory Instruments regarding the proposed Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003. Conference notes the Select Committee’s advice that the regulations do not comply with the European Directive in relation to Regulation 7(3) regarding religion or belief. Conference is dismayed that the Government has chosen to ignore the […]

Young Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes that young lesbians and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They are also more likely to succeed so they account for over half of actual youth suicide in the UK. Conference therefore welcomes the (almost certain) repeal of Section 28 as the single most effective […]

Pensions Discrimination Suffered by Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes the Government’s disgraceful and hypocritical failure to ensure that the 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations will redress the pensions discrimination suffered by lesbians and gay men in public sector pay schemes. The Government has argued that this is because of the pension schemes cannot ‘afford’ to pay lesbians and gay men equal […]

Network Development in Rural Areas

Westnet is a UNISON Scotland lesbian and gay (L&G) forum which meets quarterly in the West of Scotland to promote, encourage and support L&G members in the area. Westnet encourages isolated members to come along and receive support in establishing their own groups and has successfully helped to establish groups within South Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire, […]

Male Prostitution – UK Local Government Response

This Conference expresses its concern at Glasgow City Council’s recent leaflet “Prostitution – Changing the Outlook”. This leaflet is being circulated to all staff in the council and contains information on the council’s policy on prostitution and the role which staff have to play in tackling the issue of street prostitution in Glasgow. The text […]

Domestic Violence

Conference notes with concern that reported incidents of domestic violence are increasing, and that these figures reflect an increase in the incidences of same-sex domestic violence. Conference therefore calls on the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to; 1.urge the National Executive Council (NEC) to issue guidelines to Branches to ensure that issues of same-sex violence […]

Working with other Lesbian and Gay Trade Unionists in Our Localities

Trades Union Councils bring together trade unions on a local basis and offer an opportunity for them to support one another and work together on common issues. They therefore offer the opportunity for lesbian and gay (L&G) trade unionists to work locally on a cross-union basis and for the trade union movement to make links […]

Employment Equality Regulations

Conference welcomes the implementation of workplace protection on the grounds of sexual orientation, whilst deploring the exemptions granted on religious grounds. Conference believes that this will allow discriminatory practices which will be far more widespread than is necessary for the maintenance of a religious faith extending to groups such as teachers and administrative staff. The […]

Promoting Lesbian and Gay Self Organisation within the Water and Environment Service Group

Conference notes that one of UNISON’s stated objectives is to improve the flow of information to members. Conference also notes that it is often those who are most vulnerable to discrimination from both employers and work colleagues who are the most difficult for us to reach by the ‘usual channels’. Conference believes that there are […]

Developing UNISON’s Organisation in Primary Care