Fair treatment and Consistency

Conference, Disabled members in health are concerned about the growing number of reorganisations which are leading to down banding. In addition to down banding and with government pay restraint health workers are becoming financially worse off. Disabled members believe that the integrity of an equal pay system must be maintained for all workers but the […]

Staffing Levels in the Welsh NHS

Conference notes the intention of the Welsh Government to pass legislation in relation to Nurse Staffing Levels in Wales. We welcome the intention of this legislation to ensure minimum staffing levels on hospital wards, which reflects the feedback we receive regularly from nursing members that staffing levels are often insufficient and unsafe. We also note […]

Impact of Demand on Health Workers

The impact of increasing demand on health workers is becoming intolerable. Staff feel less and less appreciated and under more and more pressure, and this produces a further barrier for disabled people in the workplace. Conference, we are concerned that longer shifts are particularly impacting on the ability of disabled people and women to remain […]

Private Contractors in the NHS – We are all UNISON members

Conference recognises that private contractors have sadly been a part of our NHS for a generation. This can be a major impediment to achieving UNISON’s long established policy that everyone working within healthcare are part of one NHS team. Private Contractors range from those with whom UNISON branches and activitsts can have a professional working […]

Partnership working within the NHS

Conference with this Tory led government posing massive threats to our trade union, with the new TU Bill that’s likely to become law this will put greater risks to the excellent partnership working that hospital NHS trusts and trades unions/staff side have built up over the years and worked hard to achieve. Whilst working with […]

Stop the Coerced treatment for people with mental health needs in receipt of welfare benefits

The fundamental principle to consent for treatment is under threat; the government have asked Dame Carol Black to undertake a review on whether people suffering long term conditions should be deprived of benefits if they don’t accept treatment. The implied threat to mental health patients, is the withdrawing of benefits if they refuse treatment. The […]

Maintaining the Role of Administrative and Clerical Workers in the NHS

Conference recognises that the Government’s commitment to an Austerity Agenda combined with the increasing healthcare demands of an ageing population has led to immense financial and staffing pressures on the NHS. Conference notes that there have been attempts to reduce the Administrative and Clerical workforce, particularly as technological advances have meant that more and more […]

Integration of Health and Social Care

This conference supports the integration of health and social care. Integration is the way forward in order to provide a more efficient service for patients/service users, especially in times of imposed economic austerity. Integration is about ensuring that those who use services get the right care and support, whatever their needs, at any point in […]

Revitalisation of Job Evaluation

Conference notes that since the introduction of AFC in 2004 UNISON members have benefitted from the implementation of a common set of terms and conditions and equality proofed grading structure. The system of job evaluation implemented alongside AFC was delivered in partnership and implemented with employers and trade unions working together to ensure fairness and […]

‘No’ to 1 per cent for the next four years.

Conference notes that with the re-election of the Tories, health minister hunt has announced that for the next four years health workers in the NHS will have their pay restricted to a maximumum of 1 per cent a year. To achieve more than a 1 per cent rise for the lowest paid means other health […]

Co-responding in the ambulance service

Ambulance services are under ever-increasing pressure to balance the books and meet performance targets forcing many staff to leave their jobs through unbearable pressure and stress. Evidence submitted to the NHS Pay Review Body shows the high levels of turn over and retention of ambulance staff creating serious problems for employers. At the same time, […]

Zero-hours contracts in the NHS

Conference notes with concern the report from the Office of National Statistics issued in September 2015 that indicates that the number of people working on zero-hours contracts climbed to 744,000 from 624,000 in 2014, a rise of 19% to 2.4% of the total UK workforce of 31 million. Conference is particularly alarmed that the Health […]

Access to learning, development and career progression for members working in Operational Services

Conference is concerned at the distinct lack of training, development and career progression opportunities available to NHS staff working in operational services roles, particularly those in pay bands 1-4. Investment and attention has always been focused on professionally qualified staff but in an NHS with ever changing ways of service delivery, operational services staff need […]

A fair deal for apprentices in the NHS

Conference notes that the NHS is employing an increasing number of apprentices. In England for example, there were nearly 15,000 apprentice starts in 2014/15 and Health Education England has set a target for the NHS in England to take on another 17,500 during 2015/16. This figure will increase further following the government’s recent introduction of […]

Junior Doctor’s dispute and unsocial hours payments

Conference congratulates the Health Service Group Executive that met in November 2015, for unanimously agreeing its full support for the junior doctors. Conference notes that the motion included the following wording: “UNISON’s Health Service Group Executive (HSGE) gives its full support to the proposed strike action by BMA members over changes to the contracts of […]