
Conference continues to be concerned at the growing housing crisis. The housing market is now such that in many areas home ownership is not an option for many of our members. Even “key worker” housing schemes are becoming unaffordable for the very key workers they were set up to help. Currently there are three million […]

Save Our Services

Conference notes with deep concern the government’s continuing commitment to the private provision of public services. In every part of the public sector from schools and hospitals to housing and benefits the government is pushing ahead with privatisation and outsourcing. In the National Health Service (NHS), the government appears committed to privatisation by stealth. At […]

Arms Trade

Conference notes that a survey undertaken by Campaign Against Arms Trade in 2006 revealed that the 99 United Kingdom (UK) local authority pension funds invested at least £723 million in the world’s eleven largest military-producing companies and the UK’s five largest weapons manufacturers. A number of these pension funds also held additional investments in pooled […]

Northern Ireland Peace Process

Conference welcomes the publication of the CAJ report ‘Equality in Northern Ireland – Rhetoric or Reality?’ and expresses its concern that, based on the government’s own data, patterns of discrimination and inequality continue to increase for the same areas and for the same groups as in the past. Conference is further concerned that some of […]

Local Government White Paper

Conference notes that the 2006 Local Government White Paper has major implications for thousands of UNISON members not just in local government, but in health, education policing, transport and other areas. It also affects all our members as local citizens. Conference also notes that the agenda set out in the White Paper, and the subsequent […]

Schedule B 2 Rule Book Benefits

Sch B 2.8 Fatal Accident Benefit Delete paragraph 2.8.2 Entitlement , and replace with “2.8.2 Entitlement Completed years of continued membership £ Under 5 years 1,750 Over 5 and less than 15 3,500 Over 15 and less than 25 5,250 Over 25 7,000”

D6 Retired Members’ Organisation

D.6.4 After “Regional Retired Members” delete “Forum” and replace with “Committee” D.6.5 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Regional Retired Members’ Committee” F.4 Regional Council F.4.3.3 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Retired Members’ Committee” throughout F.4.4.3 and F.4.4.4 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Regional Retired Members’ Committee F.5 Regional Committee […]

D2.4 Additional Members’ Seats

Rule D.2.4 Delete “Additional Members’ Seats” and replace with “Black Members’ Seats”

Public Services in the Developing World

UNISON, one of the largest public service trade unions in the world, is rightly proud of its strong record on championing quality public services and challenging privatisation in the UK. We also have a long history of international solidarity with sister unions around the world. These two aspects of our work are inextricably linked. In […]

Marketisation of Public Services

Conference believes that the marketisation of public services threatens the advances that have been made in the last 10 years, brought about as a result of a major investment and reform programme resulting in a dramatic cut in NHS waiting lists and waiting times, rising school standards, falling crime, safer communities and improvements in local […]


Rule D 3.7.1 Insert “and D 3.7.5” after “D 3.7.4” Add “D 3.7.5 D 3.7.5 The National Executive Council shall have the power to establish cross service sectors representing members in two or more service groups as the basis for policy formation, collective bargaining and the representation of occupational and professional issues. .1The organisation and […]

D3.4 Service Group Conference

Rule D 3.4.6, Add new “D. representatives of each Service Group Regional Committee.” Re-number remaining points

UNISON Commitment to the Environment

Conference welcomes the environmental campaign work that UNISON has undertaken over the previous year. Our union has a strong record on the environment, which has included both work place specific activities, such as negotiating green travel plans, cycle to work schemes and re-cycling facilities, and support for national and international campaigns, such as the call […]

Organising Migrant Workers in the UK

Conference applauds the work that UNISON has done recently in respect of organising, representing, protecting and supporting migrant workers. Conference calls on UNISON to continue its positive response to inward migration, and to take this opportunity to recruit and organise these, often vulnerable, workers. UNISON has provided recruitment and information materials in several languages, set […]

Organising and Recruiting

Conference believes the priority for UNISON is to organise and grow and eventually become a union of two million public service members because unless we grow in numbers and density we cannot grow in influence with employers, the government and other agencies. A growing union is the most effective way of improving the working lives […]