Professional development for young disabled workers

This conference welcomes the recent survey on professional development for young public service workers by the National Young Members’ Forum which received more than 3000 replies, 98 (3%) of whom identified as disabled. Comments made by disabled respondents included the following: 1)There’s less money in our department’s training budget available. 2)The only training available is […]

Protection of pensioner exemption from national insurance contributions

In the 2011 budget, the Chancellor revealed plans to merge income tax and national insurance, asserting “It is time that we take this historic step to simplify our tax system and make it fit for the modern age”. At present, those who have reached state pension age are exempt from paying any further national insurance […]

Care in Retirement & the National Pensioners Convention Dignity Code

The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) has produced a Dignity Code to uphold the rights and maintain the personal dignity of older people, within the context of ensuring the health, safety and well being of those who are increasingly less able to care for themselves or to properly conduct their affairs. Copy attached below. Signatories to […]


Osteoporosis (literally meaning porous bones) occurs when the trabecular structure of bones becomes thin causing them to become fragile and break more easily. By far the most likely people to suffer from osteoporosis are older people, and particularly older women. At the end of last year, after many years of campaigning by the National Osteoporosis […]


This Conference recalls that a motion was submitted by the South East Region to last year’s Retired Members’ Conference agenda, on the above subject, which was ruled non-competent by the Standing Orders’ Committee being ‘Beyond the Remit of the Conference’ since the timetable for all UNISON’s annual reports is set by the National Executive Council. […]

Basic State Pension/Pension Credit Guarantee

This National Retired Members Conference is concerned that the Basic State Pension (BSP) and Pension Credit (means-tested) are still well below the poverty level. According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Minimum Income Standard for 2011 for a single pensioner, excluding rent or mortgage, is £154.62 per week, and for a pensioner couple £232.74 per […]

Security of Tenure

Conference is concerned to learn that some residents in care homes may not have security of tenure and that due to a number of factors could find themselves being evicted at short notice. Conference condemns the continuing privatisation of the residential care sector which seems largely to be responsible for this alarming new problem and […]

Dignity in Care

DIGNITY IN CARE Conference welcomes the report of the Commission on Dignity in Care established by the Local Government Association, the National Health Service and AgeUK. However, Conference believes that the report’s recommendations are largely common sense, and would be carried out almost as a matter of course if hospitals and care homes had the […]


DEMENTIA Conference welcomes the PM’s recent announcement that an additional £40 million will be made available for dementia research by 2014, on the basis that “every little helps” and that the main research co-ordinating body, the Alzheimer’s Society, knows well how to exploit the last penny. Cameron’s Dementia Challenge is also a welcome initiative, though […]


Conference may be aware that many family members and friends unselfishly act as “at home carers” to provide for the needs of their aged and infirm relatives and friends. This enables those who are being cared for to live, with support, leading an independent life within their own homes in a safe and secure environment. […]

Elderly Social Care and Migrant Workers

Conference notes that the Million Voices Campaign asserts the common interest of public service workers and service users to defend public services and to ensure their quality and effective delivery. In elder/social care, care workers stand alongside care-users and their relatives as guardians of a safe and effective service. Campaigns against the neglect and ill […]

Elderly Abuse Campaign

Motion for Retired Members Conference 2012 From Greater London Region Retired Members Committee Elderly Abuse Campaign Now that UNISON has adopted the campaign as a National Campaign, This conference therefore urges all Branches across the country to support the campaign against Elder Abuse by promoting it amongst its members, getting them to sign the petition […]


Conference is concerned to learn of the problem of domestic violence among older couples. Recent publicity has revealed a previously hidden world in which women have endured decades of abuse which sometimes tragically results in their death. In October 2010 an 81 year old woman died from a bleed to the brain following an alleged […]


Conference notes the final offer on the NHS Pension Scheme for England and Wales was published on 9 March 2012. UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are currently being balloted on the offer with full information on what it will mean for them and the consequences of rejection. Conference deplores the decision of […]

COMP D – History of Pride

Conference commends the work of the national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) committee with regards to raising awareness across this union of issues affecting LGBT members. It is now the norm for UNISON regional groups to have a high profile at the many Pride events up and down the country with many of our […]