Primary Care

Conference is concerned about the high levels of uncertainty and change continuing to take place in primary care across the UK. Many of these hold major risks, not just to the employment rights and security of members, but for the future of the NHS as a publicly owned and operated resource, providing healthcare free to […]

Access to Learning and Development

Conference notes the re-launch of the Knowledge and Skills Framework which accompanied the 2007 pay settlement for England. Conference recognises that the original intention of KSF was to provide learning and career development for all NHS staff rather than a small proportion of staff using the majority of the training budget. At a time when […]

NHS 60th Anniversary Celebrations

Conference notes that 5 July 2008 marks the 60th Anniversary of the creation of the National Health Service. When the UK’s National Health Service came into operation in 1948, it was the first time anywhere in the world that completely free healthcare was made available on the basis of citizenship rather than ability to pay. […]

Protection of Lone Workers in Community Healthcare

Conference notes the vulnerability of community health care professionals whilst working autonomously in the community environment. The visibility of staff in uniform can lead to members of the public perceiving staff as carrying valuable supplies. The lack of protection for health professionals in this environment has resulted in staff being physically & verbally attacked, threatened […]

Darzi Report

Conference acknowledges that the tone and content of much of the report Our NHS Our Future is positive for the future development of the NHS and represents something of a shift in recent government policy towards healthcare provision. The vision presented by Lord Darzi of an NHS that is safe, personalised to individual needs, and […]

Rights of Trade Unionists to Speak Out

Recognising the disgraceful attacks in 2007 on the rights of trade unionists to speak out about service cuts, privatisation and detrimental service changes, this conference calls on the Health Service Group Executive to, through the NHS Staff Council, seek to negotiate a national agreement which protects this right. Conference is concerned that currently where a […]

Barriers to Progression and Promotions for Black Employees

This NBMC is deeply concerned that Black workers experience severe disadvantage in job promotion and career progression prospects. In line with UNISON’s objective of negotiating and bargaining on behalf of members and promoting equality, this NBMC asks NEC to work with the National Black Members’ Committee to: 1)Produce a report which collates statistics from each […]

The Bicentenary of the Transatlantic “Slave Trade” Legacy

Conference will be aware that 2007 was the year of commemorating the beginning of the end of enslavement of Afrikan people. There was a wide range of remembrance events taking place in the UK. Many, however, missed the fact that it was only the transatlantic trade that ended 200 years ago. This probably increased the […]

Use of Disciplinary Procedure Against Black Staff

This National Black Members’ Conference notes that there is a disproportionate amount of Black members and black UNISON activists who are subject to disciplinary procedures and victimisations within the workplace. This leads to the question of whether disciplinary procedures are being applied fairly and equally to all staff. A consequence of this is that the […]

End the Occupation of Iraq: Don’t Attack Iran

Conference notes that four years after the invasion of Iraq, the US-led occupation has had a horrific human cost on Black people, including the deaths of 655,000 Iraqis, and 3,352 US and 147 British troops. The past year has seen violence escalate to unprecedented levels. The occupation has been brutal, with the use of chemical […]

Black History Month

Conference notes that too often the history, perspectives and contributions of African, Asian and Caribbean communities are not reflected in the educational curriculum, employment or society. Crimes committed against Black people including empire and colonialism are often presented as positive achievements with the reality of what they meant for millions of people and their ongoing […]

Zero Tolerance of Racism in Community Health Centres and Primary Healthcare Centres

Conference is deeply concerned that Black healthcare workers and social services staff who work in communities are often the subject of racist abuse and sometimes racist violence. Hate crime against primary healthcare workers and other frontline staff is increasing. Conference welcomes the policy of Zero Tolerance in NHS departments such as A&E, hospital wards, etc […]

Black Community Projects in Crisis

National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) is concerned to learn that:- Birmingham City Council (BCC) is carrying out radical changes to the way it delivers services. A newspaper article in July 2007, revealed the Council’s plan to axe 1000 jobs in the Finance Department by October 2007, as part of its cost cutting exercise. The Council […]

Iraq’s Anti Trade Union Laws

Conference deplores current anti trade union legislation there. In addition Black members in Scottish branches express deep concern at the UK/UK Occupying forces and Iraqi government’s reluctance to repeal the Baathist inspired laws prohibiting trade union activity in the country. Conference therefore urges the National Black Members’ Committee to call for the National Executive Council, […]

Disclosure Policy/Procedure and Black People

Conference welcomes the current legal requirement of carrying out security checks for all employees working with vulnerable people. However, Conference deplores the impact of the current procedures on Black workers. In particular it deplores the high costs involved which are quite often detrimental to Black people especially if due to unavoidable circumstances they cannot get […]