New Labour’s Continued Privatisation of the NHS

This Conference condemns the New Labour Government for its slice by slice privatisation of the NHS. In contrast with the extremely limited concessions on workers rights in the so called “Warwick Agreement”, New Labour has continued full steam ahead towards it’s goal of the full privatisation of the service. The latest gifts to big business […]

Agenda for Change – Terms and Conditions

This Conference recognises the enormous amount of work from both partners in agreeing the Terms and Conditions Handbook for Agenda for Change. Much has been done to modernise and harmonise agreements. However as previously indicated in the proposed agreement a number of former national agreements will now need to be agreed at a local level. […]

Anti-Racist Strategy

This Conference supports UNISON’s anti-racist strategy and recommends that all lay and full-time activists on regional and national committees receive training around the strategy and it’s implications. Composite F passed at the 2004 health conference outlined how UNISON health branches could use the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 to ensure employers are complying with their […]

Collective Responsibility

This branch calls upon the Service Group Executive to prepare further guidance and advice over the issue of collective responsibility of SGE Members.

Future Pay Awards

Conference notes and welcomes that with a 2006 pay settlement matching inflation we will have achieved a £6.00 minimum wage in April 2006. However Conference does not accept that the Agenda for Change agreement in any way precludes UNISON for fighting for further improvements in this or other fields and resolves that, in order to […]

Patient Transport Services and Privatisation

Ambulance Trust Staff are best suited to the safe, caring transportation of patients to and from hospitals or other care centres whatever their level of urgency. This conference is very concerned at the use of the private sector, and in particular security companies to carry out such duties. Cost cutting and insufficient numbers of in-house […]

35 Hour Working Week

Conference reaffirms its commitment to a 35 hour week. It notes that the main reason for Agenda for Change terms being 37 ½ hours is due to the shortage of nurses. As a consequence of this the agency bill for the NHS is outrageously enormous. Conference accepts that the Government has made some progress in […]

Use of Fire Service Staff to Answer Emergency Call-Outs

Conference notes that in some parts of the country Fire Service Staff are being asked to carry out the functions of the Ambulance Service. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: i.Support the FBU in resisting this; ii.Campaign against this and campaign for adequate resources for Ambulance Staff.

Mental Health Nurse Training

This conference wishes to express its extreme concern over the way in which mental health nurse training is currently organised. In many parts of the country student mental health nurses have to go through a core foundation year. This leaves them only two years to develop the skills and gain the experience and confidence they […]

Shift Working

This conference recognises that there is evidence that shows working rotating shifts, alternating and night shifts has an adverse affect on the physical, mental and social well-being of employees. Within the NHS there are many thousands of employees working these shifts and this number is rising. Conference realises that fatigue, sleeping difficulties, digestive problems, sleeping […]

Commissioning Mental Health Services

This Conference recognises that some time was needed before we could judge how the new commissioning arrangements were working following Shifting the Balance of Power. It has become increasingly obvious, however, that the commissioning process for mental health services is cumbersome, time consuming, adversarial and iniquitous. Many decisions are left until well over the commissioning […]

Funding of Agenda for Change Knowledge and Skills Framework

This Conference is concerned that the Knowledge and Skills Framework within Agenda for Change will be compromised if insufficient resources are made available for its ongoing implementation and reaffirms that personal development of the workforce is crucial in delivering a first class NHS. Conference calls upon the NHS Staff Council to seek assurances that this […]

Allied Health Professionals Student Debt

This Conference is aware that the burden of debt incurred by AHP students has not been adequately addressed despite previous calls by UNISON and other student representative organisations. The recruitment and retention of graduate AHP’s in the NHS combined with poor entry level pay continues to be undermined by the level of debt incurred during […]

Blood Service Forum

Conference is pleased to note that progress made by UNISON’s Blood Service Forum is implementing its union development plans for 2003/4 and 2004/5. In particular, Conference welcomes the increase number of UNISON’s Blood Branches that have given an improved voice for union members when dealing with the employer and also within UNISON. Conference notes that […]

Public Services

Public services can be seen as one of the last bastions of a socially collective and cohesive society; yet our Health, Education, Housing, Transport and Utilities Services are now subject to the volatility of market forces. Our Health Service was in the vanguard of public/private partnerships (PP’s) as set out under a Tory Government over […]