Implementation of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

UNISON has worked tirelessly since the death of Stephen Lawrence to influence a change to the Race Relations Act. We now have those changes and must continue to make a concentrated commitment throughout UNISON at all levels to ensure that all employers, including private sector employers adhere to the recommendations and their statutory duties under […]

Institutional Racism

University College London Branch (UCL) has been successful in persuading the employer to undertake an investigation into institutional racism. This was on the back of a number of disciplinaries affecting staff from ethnic minorities, perceived unfairness in allocation of duties and the so called glass ceiling in terms of promotion and career opportunities. The Branch […]

Facility Time for Representatives of Self- Organised Groups

Conference calls on the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) to work with the National Executive Council towards a workable strategy of the recognition of duties undertaken by self-organised group representatives. This is to enable representatives of all the self-organised groups to actively participate fully in their UNISON duties without fear of loss of pay or […]

Underachievement and Exclusion of Black School Children

This Conference believes black children, and especially black boys, are being failed by the education system, with OFSTED reporting “inequalities of attainment in GCSE examinations place African-Caribbean, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi pupils in a disadvantaged position in the youth education, labour, and training markets, and increase the likelihood of social and economic exclusion in later life….in […]

Combating the Fascists

This Conference condemns the British National Party (BNP), the National Front (NF) and all parties whose policies and members attack the human rights of black people through their intimidatory campaigning and their use of direct physical violence. This Conference also condemns the shameful election of three BNP councillors in Burnley, and the significant number of […]

Exports of Banned Products

This Conference is angered that life-threatening products such as skin-lightening creams and so on can be produced in this country and shipped to Africa for sale, while being banned in this country. This Conference condemns the legislative loophole that permits products banned under health and safety legislation in this country to be exported from this […]

Report on Review of Black Members’ Organisation

Conference applauds the contributions of the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC), regional black members’ groups, branch black members’ groups, and the black women’s, the black lesbian and gay members’ and the black disabled members’ caucuses to the final report on the review of Black Members’ Organisation in UNISON. Conference welcomes the final report and sees […]

Amnesty International and Afghan Prisoners

Conference notes the call of Amnesty International for a public inquiry into the mass killings of Afghan prisoners at the Kala-I Janghi Fort and other parts of Afghanistan and is conscious of the presence of British and United States (US) Special Forces on site during the massacre and heavy bombardment of the prisoners by the […]

Use of Child Soldiers in Warfare

Conference notes with grave concern that 300,000 children, boys and girls, are fighting as soldiers with government armed forces and armed opposition groups in more than 30 countries worldwide. Conference further notes that children are particularly at risk in Africa, parts of the Far East, Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. The use of children […]

Stop the War

Conference opposes the British and US Governments unleashing an unending worldwide war against terrorism. We call upon Britain and the USA, and its allies, to cease all military actions and to withdraw from Afghanistan. Furthermore, we will vigorously oppose any continuation of this war to Iraq, Somalia, or elsewhere. We condemn the terrorist attacks on […]

Dignity and Respect at Work

This Conference welcomes the establishment of core objectives and associated priorities and as a much needed development. It has enabled our lay structures at national and regional level in partnership with staff to focus upon those key issues determined by our sovereign bodies. Conference also welcomes the initial work undertaken to apply both lay and […]

Public Services

The future health of our public services is at a critical point, with a government committed to improving them after years of under investment, but increasingly choosing the private sector, not existing staff, as the solution to problems. Conference deplores the fact that the Government has responded to the need for better services by creating […]

Discrimination in Pension Schemes

This Conference welcomes the support of employers’ bodies for amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme to the purpose of removing/amending those regulations which discriminate against non-married partners including same sex. Conference notes this matter now lies with the Government and that they have failed to progress the necessary changes to date as they are […]

Housing Privatisation

Conference notes that the campaign against the privatisation of council housing is continuing and gathering strength. It congratulates UNISON members and tenants in Dudley and on the Aylesbury estate in Southwark for their successful campaigns for a ‘no’ vote in the tenant ballots. Conference further notes the outstanding success of the national, West Midlands Region […]

Age Discrimination and Citizenship

This Conference whilst recognising that age discrimination can affect people of all ages deplores the blatant age discrimination that young people face in today’s society. Discrimination against young people exists in legislation and other rules and regulations, including those relating to: 1)National Minimum Wage 2)Eligibility to vote 3)Job Seekers’ Allowance 4)Housing and Council Tax benefits […]