Organising and Recruitment

Conference welcomes the dedicated work of regions and branches on organising and recruitment and congratulates the branches involved in the highly successful schools organising and recruitment campaigns, which led to significant increases in members, workplace contacts and stewards. Conference believes that UNISON is facing new and dynamic organisation pressures including: 1)a significant increase in public […]

Local Government Finance

Conference notes that reviews of Local Government Finance are taking place throughout the United Kingdom. Local Authorities need reliable income, solid financial structures and increased revenue in order to be able to deal with the new burdens placed on them by Central Government and are increasingly unable to maintain funding of core services. The present […]

Campaigning to defend the Local Government Pension Scheme

This Conference condemns the Government for its attempts to attack the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). This scheme offers hundreds of thousands of workers in local councils and in other related public services the chance of a decent pension in retirement This Conference notes with concern that, following consultations with UNISON and other interested parties […]

Local Government Pay Commission, Equality and Equal Pay

Conference notes the Local Government Pay Commission’s call for strong action by Government, councils and trade unions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to promote equality in local government, based on its view that “Equality in local government employment is a necessity not an option”. In particular Conference welcomes the Commission’s call for: 1)Guidance on […]

National Offender Management Service

Conference notes with alarm the Government’s hasty, ill-thought and misguided proposals to break up the National Probation Service and create the National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The proposals have received no proper parliamentary scrutiny and are being rushed through without due consultation, or the ability of unions or probation employers to affect the outcome of […]

Rule H.6 Local Levies

Rule H.6.1 after “local purposes”, insert “,in accordance with a scheme approved by the National Executive Council,” Rule H.6.1.2 first sentence, delete “either”, and all after “members of the branch”. Delete Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Rule H.6.1.2 (b) delete “retention/remission”, and insert “funding”. Renumber Rule H.6.1.2 (b) as Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Add new Rule H.6.1.2 (b): […]

Rule B.1.9 At Work and in the Community

Rule B.1.9 delete “all” and insert “the United Kingdom Government, devolved administrations and all other”

English Regional Assemblies

2004 is likely to be a significant year in determining the future governance of England as three regions hold a referendum on directly elected assemblies. UNISON has consistently opposed, and continues to resist, the reorganisation of local government that will take place following a yes vote. Over the past year UNISON has resisted the government’s […]

Schedule E:Political Fund Ballot

Delete all, including Appendix 1 and 2, and replace with: “Schedule E: Political Fund Ballot RULES FOR BALLOT TO MAINTAIN A POLITICAL FUND UNISON PARTIAL ALTERATION OF RULES Rules for a ballot under section 74 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (as amended). GENERAL 1. The executive shall be responsible to […]

Rule Q Definitions

Rule Q add: “REGIONS means the organisational structure between branches and the National Executive Council based on the union’s administrative regions of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.”

Rule Q Definitions

Rule Q add: “DEVOLVED ADMINISTRATIONS means the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly.”

Rule F.3.1.5 Functions of Regions

Add new Rule F.3.1.5: “F.3.1.5 consult with devolved administrations on public services and relevant economic, political and social issues.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

Rule F.4.1 Regional Council

Rule F.4.1 after “power,” insert “,where relevant, in accordance with Rule B.2.7”

Rule D.2.8.5 Powers

Add new Rule D.2.8.5: “D.2.8.5 to issue a protocol on devolved administration and union governance” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

UNISON’s Anti-Racist Strategy

Conference notes that the National Executive Council as part of its overall objectives for 2004/5 has identified a number of priorities that inform UNISON’s race equality work. These are: 1)developing and implementing an anti-racist strategy across the union; 2)tackling racism in the workplace; 3)the effective implementation of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act; 4)promoting respect for […]