The Role of School Support Staff

This meeting notes with great concern the so-called ‘historic deal’ reached between the Government, the teachers unions (with the exception of the N U T), and UNISON, the T & G W U and the G M B. The agreement is aimed at reducing teacher workloads to enable them to have a guarantee of up […]

Consultation Arrangements on the Procedure for the Suspension of Industrial Action During National Pay Disputes

This Conference instructs the National Service Group to draw up a consultation document on the issue of the circumstances under which a National Sector Committee is able to suspend industrial action in response to an improved offer. The consultation document to set out current policy and invite comments and amendments from regions, branches, national sector […]

PFI Contracts

Conference is well aware of the Best Value regime and its rigorous requirements to Compare, Contrast, Compete and Consult. Conference is also aware of the number of contracts and services which have been externalised, outsourced or relocated. Let’s be honest they have been privatised. However, the rigorous examination ends when the privateers get their hands […]

2002 Pay Campaign

This Conference applauds the action of UNISON members in local government in both organising and delivering effective strike action in such overwhelming numbers on 17 July 2002 in pursuit of the local government pay claim. However, this Conference expresses intense concern about the decision by the Trade Union Side of the National Joint Council (endorsed […]

Equality in Employment Regulations – Implementation Issues

Conference notes that in October 2002 the Government published draft regulations required by the European Union Employment Directive which will outlaw workplace discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and of religion and belief from December 2003. Conference further notes that the Employers Organisation has published a brief guide to the main provisions of the […]

Arms Length Management Organisation for Council Housing

This Conference notes with alarm the speed at which Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs) have been pushed through by central Government. John Prescott’s office has been pushing ahead with ALMOs despite the fact that: 1)Financially, start up costs have been massive 2)They have expanded the amount of highly paid Managers while effects on employment contracts […]

Funding Fair Pay in Local Government

Local Government Conference notes that whilst both Central and the Welsh Assembly Governments have stated that they wish to see a fair and transparent pay and grading system in local government they have failed to take the opportunities, presented by recent amendments to local government finance, to passport money through to local authorities who are […]

Frozen Holiday Pay

This Conference notes with concern that unknown thousands of UNISON’s lowest paid members including catering assistants, cleaners, care workers and gardeners who work for local authorities and in the private sector (because of outsourcing) are still owed varying amounts of leave entitlement which was placed in suspension over twenty years ago. Conference is also concerned […]


Conference is concerned that we failed to achieve proportionality by the year 2000. But women in UNISON must not let our union forget this policy. It is still important that those who hold power within UNISON, or who represent it should reflect the make-up of the membership. We should continue to strive towards this target […]

White Ribbon Day

Conference notes that In 1999 the United Nations officially recognised White Ribbon Day on 25th November each year, as International Day Against Violence Towards Women. It is the beginning of 16 days of activism worldwide – days which include World Aids Day (1st December), and Human Rights Day (10th December). In the UK, White Ribbon […]

Breast Cancer Screening Challenge Campaign

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing number of women suffering from breast cancer and the postcode lottery of treatment and survival rates that still operate throughout the United Kingdom and blights women’s lives. This Conference is concerned that women living in rural areas/small towns are only invited for breast cancer screening when the mobile unit […]

Single Status

This Conference notes the continuing debacle whereby the majority of Council’s have failed to implement Single Status: 1)That Job Evaluations under the National or London Schemes have not been carried out. Our members continue to be paid with out of date grades and job descriptions. That there is no prospect of equal pay issues, particularly […]

Life Long Learning

Conference congratulates UNISON on its excellent Lifelong Learning Programme, which is encouraging an increasing number of members to return to learning. However, Conference believes that further positive measures should be implemented to ensure the increased participation of women in education and training as a precondition for increased empowerment and gender equality. Conference remains extremely concerned […]

Privatisation and the Two Tier Workforce

Conference supports UNISON’s committment to well funded publicly owned, publicly controlled and democratically accountable public services and notes our opposition to privatisation (Positively Public Campaign). Conference notes UNISON’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the two tier workforce which results when private contractors employ new staff on different contracts, usually on far worse terms […]

Black Women and Employment

Conference notes the TUC’s report “Black and Excluded” which looks at black workers and pay. The report notes that black women are disproportionately represented in certain sectors such as public health, education services and textiles, which are traditionally low paid sectors. Within these sectors black women are further disadvantaged by being concentrated in lower graded […]