Stop disability hate crime

Conference is concerned about the level of hate crime aimed at disabled people. Although there is no legal definition of disability hate crime the Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) agree that it can be defined as “any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other […]

Disability leave

Conference recognises that distinguishing between general sickness absence and disability-related sickness absence is vital as it helps remove the disadvantage and discrimination experienced by disabled people in the workplace. In the current climate of recession and redundancy it has never been more important for disability leave policies to be negotiated and implemented by employers, failure […]

RPI not CPI for indexation of pensions

Conference condemns the decision of the coalition government to change the indexation of pensions from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from April 2011. Conference believes that this change in indexation from RPI to CPI together with the rising cost of living will result is a significant increase in pensioner […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 10.2 Delete “nominate” and add “elect” and after “Panel”, “in line with the Union’s elections procedures.”


Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public service cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace and piloted in Greater London in November- December 2011 and results of which were analysed in January 2012 showed that Black women working […]

Rule D Sectors

Rule D 3.7.3 After “shall be” insert “directly or”

Stephen Lawrence

Conference notes that on 3 January 2012, Stephen Lawrence and his parents finally received some justice, when Gary Dobson and David Norris were found guilty of his racist murder. Stephen Lawrence born on 13 September 1974, murdered by 5 white youths on 22 April 1993 just because he was Black – young and gifted. For […]

Tory Attack Group

Conference notes that the public and private sectors are in the midst of the most sustained attacks on our members on the services we provide under the guise of efficiencies. Conference notes the January 2012 launch meeting of the Trade Union Reform Group whose stated aim is that public bodies should not pay for time […]


Conference notes and reaffirms UNISON’s existing policy and the leading role taken by UNISON and its predecessor unions on Palestine over more than two decades. Central to this policy is the right to self-determination and justice for the Palestinian people culminating in a viable, sovereign and contiguous independent Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel. Conference […]

Young People

Conference believes that young people are amongst those most likely to suffer as a consequence of the damaging policies pursued by the Tory-led government. In particular, Conference condemns the shameful record of the government on youth unemployment with more than a million young people now out of work, the highest number since records began. These […]

Health and Safety

UNISON is appalled by the continued attacks from the ConDem government on Health and Safety protection for workers. These attacks are despite a lack of any evidence from two government funded reviews to suggest any problems in the arrangements and legal protections afforded by the Health and Safety legislation, and European Directives. It is therefore […]

Trade Union Representatives

Conference deplores the attacks on trade union facility time made by organisations such as Taxpayers Alliance (TPA) and the newly formed Trade Union Reform Campaign (TURC). Conference believes that the poorly conducted ‘research’ conducted by the Taxpayers Alliance, claiming that £113m was spent on trade unions, represented nothing more than an ideological attack on public […]

Public Services

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of service reforms facing public services the unrelenting attack on the public services being waged by the coalition government and the far reaching consequences that budget cuts, job losses and privatisation have on the fabric of our communities and the prospects for economic recovery. As recent Office of […]


Conference recognises that never has UNISON faced such an unprecedented fight for quality public services and members’ jobs. The public sector is being penalised for an economic crisis that is not of our making. The Coalition government’s policies are hitting public services hard across the board with threaten essential services. Not only are jobs at […]


Conference reaffirms its complete opposition to the government’s Health and Social Care Bill and other plans associated with the Liberating the NHS white paper. Conference believes that these represent the biggest threat to the integrity and values of the English NHS in its history. Conference asserts that the government’s moves towards a wholesale healthcare market […]