Job Related Fitness Test (JRFT) – Not For Police Staff

As a result of the release of Part 1 of the Winsor report, there became a requirement for police officers to prove their ability to remain fit for their role and for this to be tested annually. The JRFT became the test that to be successfully completed before personal safety training could be taken. It […]

Securing the Legacy of the Year of Disabled Workers in Police and Justice Workplaces

Conference notes the success of UNISON’s Year of Disabled Workers 2022. Although the year is not yet complete, we have seen renewed focus on the experience of disabled members in our union, in the workplace and in society, including those in the Police and Justice service group. We have used the year to highlight the […]

Time to Pause and Reflect

Conference, reunification into one Probation Service was a triumph for the trade unions and proof that privatisation has no place in the work that we do. Probation staff in both the privatised and public parts of the organisation absorbed the huge amounts of turmoil and change whilst striving to continue delivering the service to our […]

Protect Probation Identity

The Probation Service has existed since 1907 when the Probation of Offenders Act was passed in Parliament and work that had previously been carried out through missionaries, was given official status. The mantra of Advise, Assist and Befriend gave the Probation Service it’s rehabilitative ethos within which it functioned for many years. The 1990’s saw […]

Resist Any Cuts to Probation Services

Conference was dismayed to learn about the proposed cuts to civil service jobs, the proposals of which are anything between 20% and 40%. Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked his Ministerial team and Permanent Secretaries to develop proposals to return the civil service to the size it was in 2016. It is noted that the Probation […]

Support for Trainee Probation Officers (PQiPS)

Conference notes with concern how many Trainee Probation Officers (PQiPS) are reporting work place stress, feeling inadequately supported, going off sick and in the worst scenarios, abandoning their training. The Probation Service has placed a huge financial investment into recruiting new trainee Probation Officers however, however have failed to ensure that there is enough support […]

Operation Uplift – Career Pathways

Operation Uplift is part of this government’s pledge to recruit 20,000 additional Police Officers by March 2023. As of 31st March 2022 13,576, Officers had been recruited. This increase in Police Officer numbers is having an adverse effect on Police Staff. Many Police Officers are now taking up roles that have previously been held by […]


Conference notes with dismay that the result of motion 11 has not produced a response from our National Executive Committee. In most other circumstances the carrying of a vote of no confidence against such a committee results in the committee standing down, or taking other agreed action to restore confidence. The NEC cannot stay silent. […]

PCSO 20th Anniversary

Conference welcomes UNISON’s PCSO20 campaign to celebrate the 20 year-anniversary of the creation of the PCSO role. Conference notes that PCSOs provide a highly visible police presence. They deter anti-social behaviour, provide reassurance, gather intelligence and work with businesses, schools and statutory partners to keep communities safe. PCSOs are a force for good. People love […]

Confusion Over Probation Service Policies and Procedures

Conference notes that: 1)Feedback from UNISON workplace representatives is that there is increasing confusion within the ranks of Probation Service middle managers regarding the use of appropriate HR policies when dealing with UNISON member issues; 2)At present, it would appear that the use of either Probation Service or wider HMPPS policies is a matter of […]

Tax Allowance Fairness for Uniform Laundering

Conference notes that: 1)Police staff who are required to launder items of uniform at home are entitled to claim an annual allowance from HMRC to assist with the associated cost; 2)Currently, PCSOs are entitled to claim £140 tax allowance but other police staff can only claim £60; 3)Police officers are also entitled to claim £140. […]

Challenging Sexism, Harassment and Misogyny

This conference condemns any behaviour that falls within the categories of sexism, harassment and misogyny. We are a union that at its core, has values that support the inclusion of women at all levels within our organisation. Women make up the majority membership within UNISON which is reflected within our Service Group. We all have […]

Support for Newly Qualified Probation Officers and PQIP staff

Conference may be aware that The Probation Service has experienced an ongoing difficulty with the recruitment and retention of Probation Officers. The latest figures available from the Ministry of Justice indicate that over a third of staff have been in post for less than three years and recruitment and training of Probation Officers since March […]

Bring Back the Joint Secretariat

Conference notes that: 1)The Probation Service has a long history of good industrial relations and joint working; 2)It has taken years of hard work to maintain commitment to the National Negotiating Council (NNC) joint agreement on pay and conditions which was introduced in 2006; 3)The custodians to this agreement were the Joint Secretaries, one from […]

Police & Justice Presence and Visibility

This conference believes that the social media presence and visibility of our service group on the UNISON website needs improvement. It is reasonable for members to expect to be kept updated and to identify with issues that are affecting them. For example, the official service group twitter feed has not been populated since 15/03/2020 and […]