Mutuals and Co-ops

Conference notes the continuing interest in co-ops and mutuals from central and local government. The Localism Act effectively gives council employees in England the right to require a service be privatised, and the government the power to fund them to do so. Both the Mutuals Taskforce and Mutuals Information Service are supporting mutuals ‘spun out’ […]

Social Care and the Cuts

Conference condemns the failure of political leaders across the UK to grasp the nettle and implement a long-term sustainable solution to the funding deficit in social care. The numbers of people who need care and support are continuing to grow as a result of our ageing population and medical advances which have improved life expectancy. […]

Impact of Privatisation and the Two-Tier Workforce

Conference notes the ruthless way in which the Conservative-led UK government is targeting local government public services for privatisation. In England, the Localism Act effectively gives non-profit-making organisations and council employees the right to require a service be privatised. The Open Public Service White Paper specifically targets specific services for more privatisation – customer contact; […]

Cuts and Equalities

Conference deplores the continuing savage spending cuts taking place across local government. With a female workforce of over 75%, cuts to local government jobs, pay and conditions have a detrimental effect on women in particular and are adversely impacting on other protected groups. Spending cuts are pushing women out of the local government workforce, driving […]

Cuts / Austerity

Conference condemns the Conservative-led coalition for the widespread and unprecedented destruction of council services that has resulted from the savage and unprecedented reductions in central government grants to local authorities and fire authorities and to the devolved nations. Local government workers have borne the brunt of this in job losses, the pay freeze, and attacks […]

Cuts and the Black Members Experience

Black members are on the brink of economic meltdown from the coalition governments’ cuts, scapegoating and hypocrisy. The cuts to public services have directly affected Black members and the most vulnerable in our society, creating anger and a real sense of injustice. Conference is deeply concerned that despite over 40 years of anti-racism legislation, Black […]

Black Members and Pensions

While we all know the debate around Public Service pensions has reached a difficult and tense period, especially with all negotiations failing to be constructive and positive and the employers being more and more intransigent. We still do not have a true picture of how the changes in the Public Service Pension scheme affect our […]

Supporting Black Communities

Conference pledges its solidarity with the communities and cities affected by the disturbances in August 2011. Conference condemns the widespread damage to property, homes, small businesses – many owned by Black people – and employees losing their workplaces and jobs. The disturbances devastated communities that could ill afford it. However, Conference notes that the stereotyping […]

Defending Our Public Services

Conference believes that since taking office the Con-Dem government has had a devastating effect on all communities in the UK. Their policies have hurt the economy, the jobs and livelihoods of working people and slammed the barriers down on higher education for young people. Their rhetoric on race, immigration and multiculturalism have sought to divide […]

Challenging Racism In the Workplace Toolkit

Conference notes the revised and improved version of the UNISON Challenging Racism in the Workplace Toolkit. In the Northern Region, we have encouraged branches to organize specific training for branch officers, representatives and lay members and this we would hope is being replicated elsewhere in other regions. In the East Midlands we have worked closely […]

Community Projects Supporting Black Young People

Conference notes a motion carried at National Black Members Conference in 2008, titled “Black Community Projects in Crisis” that encapsulates problems among young Black youths and the need to maintain the existence of Black community projects. At the time of producing the motion many projects were facing closure and sadly many have since closed owing […]