Conference is aware that whilst the national pension is held at a level below the Government’s declared poverty level many of our members are experiencing financial difficulties. Low paid and part-time women workers are retiring and finding that their combined national and occupational pensions leave them needing to apply for benefits in order to reach […]


Conference notes that the commodification of housing has led to the present housing crisis. Conference believes in a decent home as the building block for a decent life, enabling us to: 1)Bring up children in a secure and stable environment, providing life chances and educational opportunities; 2)Provide shelter, warmth, space and privacy as the pre-requisite […]

Supporting Our Members

During this credit crunch we are yet again seeing jobs disappear in our sector despite economic downturns having little detrimental impact on our business. Thames Water and the disgraceful treatment of its call centre staff is the latest example of an employer attempting to hike up already obscene profits. Conference is also appalled over the […]

Communicating with LGBT Members

Conference notes that continuing levels of prejudice and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers means that a high proportion do not reveal their sexual orientation or gender history at work, there are also private individuals who consider their sexual orientation or gender history to be no one else’s business but their […]

Welfare Safety Net

Conference believes that the importance of public services is being seen in this recession as public authorities deal with rising unemployment and social need across the UK. However the welfare safety net has been cut back repeatedly over the last 30 years and benefit levels, particularly Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), are set far below any […]


In this the 50th anniversary year of the Cuban revolution UNISON salutes the people of Cuba and their achievements. UNISON commends the impressive advances that have been made in the fields of health care, education, sustainable development and many others. These advances put Cuba amongst the top rank of nations in terms of human development […]

Public Services

Conference believes that the current recession, caused by the greed and irresponsibility of speculators in the City, demonstrates once again the fundamental importance of public services. Public service workers around the country are on the front line of protecting individuals and communities from the ravages of market forces. In every single service UNISON members must […]

New Challenges for the NHS

Conference congratulates health workers on their hard work, which coupled with increased government funding, has brought about a continuous improvement in the services that patients can expect from the NHS. Waiting times have been reduced to a maximum of 18 weeks from referral to treatment in England, with waiting lists at an all-time low across […]


Conference is concerned to hear that the Director of Children’s Services at Plymouth City Council is considering the possibility of setting up academy schools in Plymouth despite having always been against them in the past. Furthermore, it is alarming to hear that the reason for this change of heart is due to Department for Children, […]

Defending Social Europe

Conference believes that Social Europe, a series of European directives developed over the past 20 years covering amongst other things employment law, health and safety measures and equality is under sustained attack. Conference notes that recent rulings by the European Court of Justice, most notably the Laval, Viking, Rueffert and Luxembourg cases, have clearly established […]

Support Members in Childrens Services

This Conference agrees t support their colleagues in Children’s Services with regard to the unacceptance working conditions those workers are enduring at present. These conditions include: 1)Unacceptably heavy case loads 2)Pressure not to practice professionally and in the prime interests of children, with assessment of need being secondary to what financial resources are available. 3)Cases […]

Funding in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes that while the financial situation has tightened considerably in all local government funded services, it is often the community and voluntary sector which is hit hardest by funding constraints. Local authorities often turn to voluntary sector partners first when cuts need to be made, and the result is that voluntary organisations have to […]

Personalisation of Social Care

Conference notes growing evidence of serious shortcomings in the implementation of ‘personalisation’ in social care. The primary focus of central governments and local authorities is the roll out of ‘cash for care’ schemes such as direct payments, personal budgets or individual budgets. Other aspects of personalisation such as early intervention and prevention of dependency have […]

Top Up Payments

This conference believes the introduction of top up payments for private treatments not available on the NHS will lead to a two-tiered healthcare system which already exists to some extent. This could lead to a situation where those who can afford to pay for the newer, more expensive treatments will get them and the poor […]

NHS Counter Fraud

Conference notes with concern the number of cases that are being handled by NHS Counter Fraud Service covering England and Wales and other agencies. Conference notes the lack of transparent guidelines on what cases are referred to NHS Counter Fraud Service and what cases are handled locally by employers. Conference also notes with concern the […]