Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute

This Conference welcomes the report on ‘Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute’. Conference also notes that a similar exercise took place in Scotland post the 1999 dispute. Conference calls on the SGE to ensure that its recommendations are acted upon at all levels of the union, after discussion […]

Timing of Local Government Conference

Conference notes the current link between the Local Government Service Group Conference and the National Delegate Conference both being held in June. Whilst it is recognised that there are cost savings achieved by the linkage, holding the Service Group Conference at this time is no longer appropriate. Since the introduction of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement […]

Raising Standards and Tackling Workloads

This Conference welcomes the “Raising Standards and Tackling Workload” national agreement signed up to by UNISON and other unions representing members in schools. The agreement recognises the long standing anomalies facing UNISON members working as school support staff and offers the best opportunity for years to rectify these problems. It also lends weight to the […]

Equal Pay

Conference welcomes UNISON’s continuing commitment to achieving equal pay and is pleased to note that the campaign continues to be a priority area for the Local Government Service Group. Conference also notes the establishment of the Local Government Pay Commission and welcomes its role in addressing the long term problem of equal pay within Local […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Local Government Service Group Conference notes with considerable concern the Government’s latest consultation papers on retirement benefit options for, and simplification of, the Local Government Pension Scheme. This Conference believes that these consultation papers should be seen for what they are – an attempt to reduce costs for employers at a time when funds […]

Pay and Status of Social Workers

This Local Government Service Group Conference notes with considerable concern the way in which grading and pay of social workers, and other social care professional staff, has over recent years fallen badly behind that of a range of other professional groups and in particular behind that of professional colleagues in the education and health fields […]

Local Government White Paper and Local Government Bill

This Conference welcomes the White Paper’s encouragement to local authorities not to make voluntary organisations bid for funds on an annual basis. Many voluntary organisations provide invaluable services to disabled people and employ UNISON members. We also call upon the Local Government Service Group Executive to lobby Government in order to meet the following needs […]

Low Paid Black Workers

This Conference notes the publication of the TUC’s Report ‘‘Black and Underpaid ‘ which highlights the fact that black workers continue to be discriminated against in terms of pay. Conference is perturbed that despite nearly a generation of race relations in Britain that black workers still earn less than their counterparts, for example black men […]

Bargaining on Equality

Conference notes that one of the most significant developments during UNISON’s first ten years is how central equalities issues have become to nearly everything the union does and that the self-organised groups have been the main single factor to make this so and keep it so. However, their work is often poorly integrated with collective […]

Ending Low Pay

Conference welcomes the statement in May last year by the Minister for Equalities and Women that “pink pounds” have created a more tolerant society towards lesbians and gay men. Conference agrees that whether one is treated with dignity and respect depends largely on whether you have money to spend. Conference notes that the Local Government […]

Craftworkers Recognition

Blackpool Local Government Branch: 1)Recognises that the JNC for Local Authority Craft and Associated employees negotiates agreements in respect of 39,000 craft workers, labourers, charge hands and supervisors, and 2,000 apprentices. 2)Notes that the Trade Union Side of that body consists of Amicus, TGWU, GMB, UCATT and the Confederation of Shipbuilders and Engineers Union. 3)Deplores […]

The Role of School Support Staff

This meeting notes with great concern the so-called ‘historic deal’ reached between the Government, the teachers unions (with the exception of the N U T), and UNISON, the T & G W U and the G M B. The agreement is aimed at reducing teacher workloads to enable them to have a guarantee of up […]

PFI Contracts

Conference is well aware of the Best Value regime and its rigorous requirements to Compare, Contrast, Compete and Consult. Conference is also aware of the number of contracts and services which have been externalised, outsourced or relocated. Let’s be honest they have been privatised. However, the rigorous examination ends when the privateers get their hands […]

Funding Fair Pay in Local Government

Local Government Conference notes that whilst both Central and the Welsh Assembly Governments have stated that they wish to see a fair and transparent pay and grading system in local government they have failed to take the opportunities, presented by recent amendments to local government finance, to passport money through to local authorities who are […]

Health Service Strategies on Domestic Violence

Conference welcomes the publication of the Department of Health Resource Manual on Domestic Violence, which has been distributed to all NHS Trusts. Conference also welcomes the initiatives taken by the Scottish Executive to encourage health service employers to improve service delivery for those experiencing domestic violence. Conference reaffirms that a major dimension to service delivery […]