LGBT rights and collective agreements

Conference is concerned that collective bargaining and pay determination agreements have been under sustained Tory-led attacks. They have sought to destroy the very agreements that prevent them and their business friends from imposing poverty pay with no holiday or sick leave entitlements. Threats of regional pay bargaining are just the tip of the iceberg. Local […]

Rule D Service Group Conference

Rule D delete “ Deputy General Secretaries”

Rule C Annual membership audit, the appointment & removal of the Assurer

Insert new rule C 8: “C 8 THE UNION’S ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP AUDIT 8.1 The Union’s membership system shall be audited each year by an Assurer. 8.2 The Assurer will be a qualified professional body of either financial auditors or membership scrutineers. 8.3 The Assurer will be appointed by the National Executive Council who thereafter shall […]

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre Glasgow Trade Union Recognition

Conference notes that this year’s event is in the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow. SECC UNISON members continue to be disappointed over SECC management and Glasgow City Council’s refusal to grant trade union recognition. Over the last year, SECC management have continued their anti-trade union stance and doggedly refuse to positively engage with […]

UNISON and Devolution

Conference notes the debate around devolution which occurred in 2014 impacted on all parts of the United Kingdom with the referendum on Scottish independence and the subsequent Smith Commission; the passage of the Wales Act 2014; the increased momentum behind combined authorities and “City deals” in England; the Conservative Party’s proposals around “English Votes for […]

Rule G Branch Officers

Rule G 4.1.1 Insert “Retired Members’ Secretary,” between “Young Members’ officer,” and “Welfare Officer “.

Rule G The Branch Committee

Insert new Rule G 2.1.3: “G 2.1.3 Such representatives of the retired members’ section within the branch as the branch may determine;” Renumber subsequent rules.

Rule D The right to attend and speak

Rule D 1.7.2 delete “ Deputy General Secretaries”

Rule E Deputy General Secretary

Delete E4, E4.1, E4.2 and E 4.3

The Bhopal Disaster 30 years later

Conference notes: 1)That a Scottish Trade Union Delegation to Bhopal participated in events marking the 30th Anniversary of the gas leak disaster of 1984 for which Union Carbide was responsible; 2)That Dow Chemical Company (which now owns Union Carbide) has continued to avoid accountability and evades legal liability; 3)That the people of Bhopal are still […]

Rule D Service Group Executive

Add new rule D 3.5.10: “D 3.5.10 No member who holds a seat on a Service Group Executive can hold a seat on the National Executive Council as a service group representative under Rule D.2.3 at the same time. She/he may stand as a candidate in an election or by-election for a seat on the […]

Rule D National Executive Council

Add new Rule D 2.9: “D 2.9 Meetings of the National Executive Council shall take place, so far as is reasonably practicable, in venues which are accessible to all members eligible to attend.” Renumber as appropriate

Rule D Service Group Executive

D 3.5.8 add at end: “She/he may stand as a candidate in an election or by-election for a seat on a Service Group Executive, subject to Rule D.2.3.4. If elected, she/he will be deemed to have resigned from the National Executive Council from the commencement of the period of office for the Service Group Executive […]

Young Workers Month

Conference welcomes the work of UNISON’s National and Regional Young Members Forums to raise the profile of young workers and young members through activity during young workers month, which is now held in November each year under the auspices of the TUC. Conference believes that recruiting young workers and organising young members is an all-year-round […]

Devolution: seizing the opportunities, avoiding the threats

Conference notes that issues around the scale of governance have come to the fore in political debate in recent months. Questions that have become more prominent in the political discussion include: 1)The relationship between the UK and Europe; 2)The relationship between the nations of the UK; 3)The relationship between central and local government. Conference notes […]