Legal Framework for Regulators

Following the publishing of the Francis, Keogh and Berwick reports into Mid Staffs it has become abundantly clear that much of the failures were organisational in nature. Further, that these failings in part were condoned by very senior and executive staff within that organisation. Clearly, the Government shows some recognition of the organisational failures within […]

Integration – Taking the Workforce With You

Conference notes that the integration of health and social care has become a key debate in the NHS across the UK over the past year. Conference notes that although only Northern Ireland has full structural integration of health and social care, governing parties from all political persuasions are pursuing integration policies in Scotland, Wales and […]

Resisting Downbandings/Pay Cuts.

Conference notes with alarm that the downbanding of NHS workers’, jobs has increased nationwide as more and more Trusts come under financial pressure. The downbandings may take place under the guise of service or skill mix reviews but in reality they are most likely to result in workers doing the same job for less pay. […]

Pay Resolution 2014

Conference notes that the difference between the highest and lowest paid is increasing year on year. Each year the pay divide gets greater and our members feel that the cost of living increase is no longer fit for purpose. An increase of just 1% each year is actually a decrease in real terms, as the […]

One Team – Caring for Patients

Conference believes that all health staff, regardless of their job role, play an important role in caring for patients. All NHS staff are part of one team delivering quality healthcare that puts patients first. Conference notes that our NHS operational services staff continue to bear the brunt of the cuts with figures showing that since […]

Equality and Diversity Training for Health Staff

Conference notes with concern that an increasing number of employers are not using the Agenda for Change Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) on which to base their appraisal schemes, but are opting for alternative methodologies. This has particularly come to light following the changes to the Agenda for Change contract in England, which has required […]

Learning and Partnership Working

Conference notes the hard work of the union in campaigning and working in partnership with NHS employers, the Department of Health, Skills for Health to improve training and make development opportunities available for NHS staff, particularly staff on lower bands, have paid off. Last year through partnership working the Social Partnership Forum Learning for Life […]

Mental Health Services

Conference notes that mental health accounts for 23% of the total burden of disease, yet receives only 13% of NHS health expenditure. It is predictable that in a recession, demand for mental health services rises, as the impact of austerity and welfare reforms, rising unemployment and increase in cost of living has a detrimental impact […]

Future Food Provision within the NHS

Conference calls on the Westminster Government and the three devolved administrations to recognise and accept their responsibility for providing a quality, safe and healthy food environment for its patients, staff and visitors. It is further recognised that when a patient is recuperating, food is often a make or break experience in terms of morale during […]

A Future for Young People in the NHS?

Conference notes that UNISON has done much good work to defend the jobs, and terms and conditions of members in the National Health Service (NHS), through national and local negotiations, as well as campaigning to defend the NHS itself. Conference further notes that it is the public service nature of the NHS which has been […]

Bullying and Harassment in the NHS

The public sector cuts, austerity measures, top down reorganisations and increasing privatisation in the NHS have had an unprecedented negative impact on NHS employees, with increasing numbers leaving the NHS to escape from bullying, harassment, intimidation and fear. Those who are left in the workplace are experiencing an increase in stress as work pressures mount […]

Staffing Shortages in the NHS and their Impact on Women in the Workplace

Conference notes with concern the impact that staffing shortages in the NHS are having on workers’ lives. In particular, staffing shortages can impact on: 1)Flexible working requests not being accommodated by employers. 2)Staff with existing non-standard working patterns being pressurised into changing their working hours, which could create problems with care arrangements and other home […]

Proposal to Reduce the Agenda for Change Working Week to 35 Hours per Week

Over 30,000 jobs have been lost in the NHS since the current government took office and at the same time, they have put in place a pay freeze for NHS staff between 2011 and 2013, and following on from that, caps on any pay award in the public sector at an average of 1% increase […]

Privatisation within the NHS

Conference notes that the now defunct South West Pay Cartel advised member trusts to consider ‘alternative employment vehicles’ as one of a number of what they called ‘pay optimisers’ to cut NHS pay and conditions of employment. Conference further notes that one trust in the South West recently set up their own private company, of […]

‘Trainee’ Nursing Assistants

Conference notes that the NHS South of England recently promoted an apprenticeship programme for employers looking at recruiting staff into bands 1 to 4. Their ‘NHS Manager’s Guide’ suggested a number of options for NHS Trusts to employ new ‘apprentices’ without them having to employ staff at the bottom of the appropriate pay band including: […]