Hate Crime in Scotland

In 2006 the Scottish Executive removed homophobia (and disability) from hate crime legislation at the last minute, despite the recommendation of the Hate Crime Working Group that they be included. The Equality Network responded by saying “We’re extremely disappointed that two years after the Hate Crime Working Group recommended this change the Executive rejected it. […]


This conference congratulates those UNISON branches that have negotiated the UNISON model Disability Leave Agreement with their employers and we commend their efforts to protect our disabled members rights at work. However, we note that many branches are still experiencing difficult negotiations and spending energy and resources persuading employers that their sickness absence policies and […]


Point i) After “National Women’s Committee”, insert “and two co-opted members from the Women’s Caucus at Disabled Members Conference”


Conference welcomes the publication of The DRC’s Mental Health Advisory Group’s Report ‘Coming Together – mental health, equality and human rights’ This Report notes that discrimination and unequality systematically destroy people’s mental health. People with long term mental health conditions face some of the most severe exclusion in Britain, including an 80 per cent unemployment […]


Conference welcomes the UK Government’s Consultation Paper bringing forward proposals to introduce a Single Equality Act but believes that the current proposals are a lost opportunity for disabled people. Any Single Equalities Bill must ensure that disabled people have the protection of the strongest possible anti-discrimination legislation. Conference calls on the National Disabled Members Committee […]


This Conference is aware of the complexities surrounding disclosure of disabilities and recognises the similarities that lgbt people must face when disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity particularly if they are not ‘out’. Conference believes that disabled Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people face homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and affirms the need for […]

Coordination of Pay Campaigns

Conference is deeply angry over the government’s totally unjust 2% public sector pay limit, condemning low paid public sector workers to poverty pay and notes the: 1)decision of the Local Government Conference on the 18th June and of the Local Government NJC Committee rejecting the employers insulting 2% offer or any other received by the […]

Standing Order 3 – Speaking

At the end of paragraph 3.1 add new sentence: “Any member of a regional Retired Members’ Committee attending the conference as a regional or branch delegate may be appointed by their regional Retired Members’ Committee to move a motion or amendment submitted by that regional Retired Members’ Committee.”

Cold Weather Deaths

Conference is concerned that the campaign to turn down heating thermostat settings conflicts with the advice to keep a warm home. Conference requests the National Retired Members Committee to seek, through the National Executive Council, assurances from the Government, and other interested bodies, that clear advice relating to elderly people is included in future heating […]

Equalities and Diversity

Conference notes that UNISON is a union committed to promoting equality and valuing diversity, and that these principles underpin all our organisational structure, policies and practice. These principles are enshrined in our nation rule book. Rule B1 Aims and Objectives, 1.2 and 1.3. Rule B2 Union Democracy, 2.3. They apply to all the union’s structures, […]

International Links

Conference recognises the outstanding role UNISON plays in the international trade union movement. UNISON recognises that Britain’s economy and political system are interdependent with Europe and the rest of the world, and that it is vital that UNISON works with sister trade unions in other countries and through key international organisations to promote and protect […]

Insurance Cover for Retired Members on UNISON Business

Conference notes that, until recently, retired member officers and representatives, in common with all other UNISON officers and representatives, had UNISON insurance cover whilst on UNISON business. Conference now understands that cover for retired member officers and representatives have ceased under new arrangements. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to ensure that insurance cover […]

Recruitment of Retired Members

Conference notes that regions and branches monitor their membership figures for working members on a regular basis in order to inform an ongoing recruitment campaign. However, there is no such process in place for retired members. Conference therefore calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to: 1)carry out an audit of the total number of […]

The Rise of Fascism

Conference recognises that many retired members will know from their own personal experience the dangers of fascism. Conference notes that the British National Party (BNP) is organising in the West Midlands, East London and in other areas across the country in an attempt to have at least one BNP candidate elected at the next General […]

Communications to Retired Members

Conference declares that effective and workable communication to all retired members is essential to the present and future interests of all retired members’ groups, and is disappointed at the lack of progress by the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) in developing a clear policy for this purpose. Conference also regrets that no report has been […]