Protecting our Environment and maintaining our energy supplies

Conference notes with concern that the overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion and research is that global warming and climate change represent one of the greatest risks to life on our planet. Conference notes with regret and deep concern that the steps taken by the United Kingdom (UK) Government and the devolved administrations since 1997 to […]

Racist Attacks

Conference notes the disturbing increase in racist attacks in the last year, one appalling example of which was the racially motivated axe murder of the black teenager Anthony Walker in Liverpool. It is now 13 years since the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence in London, which led to the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and a drive […]

Palestine and Israel

Conference welcomes the recent UNISON delegation to Palestine and Israel to see first-hand the reality of the situation on the ground and to discuss what support UNISON can give to our sister trade unions. Conference reaffirms policy adopted at National Delegate Conference in 2005. Conference notes that the political situation in both Palestine and Israel […]

Identity Cards

Conference notes that the government has now passed the Identity Cards Act 2006, paving the way for compulsory identity cards and a national identity database. On April Fool’s day the government established a new agency, the United Kingdom Identity and Passport Service (UKIPS) to deal with passports and identity cards. The new agency should not […]

Health and Safety

Conference reaffirms its commitment to health, safety and welfare in the workplace as a cornerstone of UNISON and recognises that time and again members put health and safety at the top of their agenda and that health and safety is one of the main union recruitment tools, with 70 per cent of new members considering […]

Pre-Budget Report

Conference notes the pre-budget report of the Chancellor and welcomes the fact that public spending up to 2008 has been maintained as planned and that the taxation shortfall due to lower economic growth has been plugged with greater taxation of North Sea oil companies. Public sector jobs are due to grow by about 250,000 as […]

Monitoring of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity by Employers

Conference welcomes the growing recognition of the need to combat discrimination against LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) workers and the agreements reached with some employers to integrate work towards LGBT equality into their equality programmes. Conference notes that the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 introduced a requirement on public authorities to monitor workers’ ethnicity, […]

Breast is Best

Conference notes and welcomes the drive to promote breastfeeding and to offer support to women who choose to breast feed. The health benefits of breastfeeding are well-known and the WHO recommends that babies are exclusively breast fed for the first six months. However, this increasingly means that the mother has returned to work before the […]


Conference is extremely concerned at the apparent increase in the incidence of rape and the concomitant decrease in convictions of men accused of rape. In recent months there have been alarming accounts in various national newspapers of women who pursued prosecutions with the support of the police, only for their alleged attacker to be acquitted […]

Support for Pathways Participants

Conference is pleased to see that women still comprise two-thirds of the membership of UNISON. Conference is concerned that every support should be given to women to ensure that they are enabled to take an active role within the union. Conference is pleased that the Pathways course was included in the national education programme and […]

Involving LGBT Women in Women’s Self-Organisation

Conference welcomes the successful rule amendment carried at last year’s National Delegate Conference introducing a LGBT self organised group into UNISON. Conference acknowledges the support given to the campaign by the National Women’s Committee, Regional Women’s Committees and Women members. Monitoring of attendance at Women’s Conferences and of the National Women’s Committee suggests that LGBT […]

Women’s Health Issues

Fifteen percent of women suffer serious period pains each month, 35 per cent of women suffer moderate pains. Some women suffer pains so strong they are comparable to labour pains. But worse than this is the prospect that your employer will just mark down another absence, without discussion or understanding, and that this will affect […]

Race Equality Schemes

Conference notes the lack of implementation regarding Race Equality Schemes. Since 31 May 2005 organisations had to be compliant. Unfortunately little is being done to assess organistions to assess whether they are compliant or not. 1. We call upon the NBMC/NEC to liase with a) Service groups to monitor what is happening in branches; b) […]

Mapping of Black Members

Conference notes that successive reports commissioned by the TUC and government’s own statistics that confirm that Black workers continue to be concentrated in the lowest paid jobs. Conference further notes the increase in attacks against the Black communities following the tragic London bombing in July 05 and the BNP for its attempt to exploit the […]

Lack of Visibility of Black Members: Attendace at UNISON’s Conferences

The North West Regional Black Members’ Group are concerned at the low and decreasing numbers of Black Members attending UNISON’s Conferences. It was noted in 2005 that the numbers of Black Members who attended; Women’s’ Conference, Health Conference, Local Government Conference, National Delegate Conference and all the Service Group Conferences held this year was significantly […]