Why we need to build a new housing consensus for affordable and decent homes for all

The neverending UK housing crisis means that millions of workers and their families live in expensive, overcrowded and insecure homes. Often these homes are long distances away from work or family and involve many hours of daily commutes. Conversely UNISON research has shown many families have grown up children living with them not out of […]

Stepping up the campaign against bullying and harassment

Conference reaffirms its policy of a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and harassment. Conference welcomes the development of the work by UNISON’s young members to raise the issue of bullying and harassment of young workers, and notes the disturbing results of the survey of young members conducted in October/November 2016 on this issue which revealed: 1)Nearly […]

Rule D Structure of the Union at National Level

Rule D 2.1 Replace “a young members’ seat” with “two young members’ seats” Rule D 2.5 Amend title – replace “seat” with “seats” In first paragraph: replace “representative” with “two representatives, at least one of whom must be a woman” In second paragraph: Replace “seat” with “seats” Rule D 6.2 Replace “member elected to the […]

Health and Social Care Integration

Conference notes that across the UK there are a number of current initiatives seeking to bring about the integration or transformation of health and care services. The Welsh Government continues to recognise this agenda as being of national strategic importance. These include, but are not limited to, the Five Year Forward View and Sustainability and […]

After the General Election

Jeremy Corbyn has inspired millions with his election campaign, and the fruit of that work was seen in the stunning election result which has stripped the Tories of any legitimacy to continue in government. It is a result that represents a massive rejection of austerity. Conference adds its congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell […]

EU Exit and Workers’ Rights

Conference notes the Conservative Government’s plans for Brexit which represent a significant risk for working people in the UK. The EU has played a key role in protecting workers from exploitation, inequality, hazards and discrimination, and in promoting good employment practices. The referendum result does make Brexit a reality and that democratic decision must be […]

Pensions and Climate Change

Conference acknowledges the importance of well sourced pension schemes that provide reasonable returns so that members can live with dignity after retirement. Conference acknowledges the value of legislative changes that allow trade union representation on pension boards as a positive step. Conference recognises that the threat of global warming to our environment and to the […]

Higher Education (HE) Pay Ballot for strike action Sept 2016

Conference notes that Higher Education members were balloted for strike action after employers failed to improve on a 1.1% pay offer for the majority of staff. The Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) recommended that members vote ‘YES’ for strike action in the September 2016 HE Pay Ballot. During the campaign, the growing pay inequality […]

Member-led Democracy

UNISON takes pride in being a member-led, democratic union. It is in this spirit that conference notes with concern the decision taken by our Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) to overturn the democratic decision taken by our members in the 2016 ballot over pay. This decision also overturned the mandate set at this conference […]

Against xenophobic divisions in our universities and communities

This conference notes with concern the proposals by Home Secretary Amber Rudd regarding changes to the way the government approaches international students and their status. We are also concerned about the uncertainty faced by international staff in universities following the Brexit vote. We believe everyone has a right to a decent and happy life and […]

The future Higher Education Service Group within the union

Conference notes the increasing overlap between some of the services provided in Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE), with FE Colleges starting to deliver degree level courses. The future of post 16 education may possibly be joined further with the creation of higher apprenticeships, which is likely to see HE and FE institutions working […]

Removing barriers for disabled workers

This Conference is concerned that research has consistently shown that within the Higher Education sector, disabled staff are not having their access needs met and institutional discrimination against disabled staff is widespread. Disabled workers in Higher Education institutions are disproportionately selected for redundancy, and can face both direct and indirect discrimination when trying to get […]

Campaigning for £10/hour minimum wage across higher education

Conference notes that: 1)In-work poverty is a major issue facing all trade unionists, which should be given urgent attention if we are to address the welfare and confidence of working people and their dependents. 2)UNISON National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2016, (motion 22 as amended) voted to: a)Campaign for a proper living/minimum wage of £10/hour. b)Ensure […]

Timing of Higher Education (HE) Conference

This conference notes that: a)Branches should feel fully involved in the formulation of the new Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) pay claim or in the organisation of the pay campaign. Currently, the Higher Education (HE) Service Group Executive (SGE) pay motion is presented to delegates at the HE Branch Seminar in October […]

Higher Education workers deserve fair pay

Conference notes that members in Higher Education have lost the equivalent of between £1,585 and £8,248 over the last six years, while at the same time having to deliver a professional service despite severe cuts, redundancies, reorganisations and increased workloads. Members continue to carry out their duties even though their pay has failed to keep […]