Outsourcing of Administrative & Clerical Staff – Continuing the Campaign

Conference congratulates all the groups of staff who have successfully resisted outsourcing of their work and jobs. In particular, the threat of outsourcing of medical secretarial work appears to have receded, largely as a result of the concerted campaign by UNISON members across the UK. However, Conference is concerned that other groups of A&C workers […]

Integrated Care – Recruitment, Organising and Campaign Strategy

Conference notes the recent moves towards increasing the integration between health and social care in government policy in Scotland, England and Wales and notes that health care and social care are already fully integrated in Northern Ireland. Conference is concerned that moves towards further integration may have a huge impact on staff terms and conditions […]

NHS Members Transferred to the Voluntary Sector

Conference recalls that at the Health Conference at Gateshead in 2006 a resolution was passed concerning the position of UNISON members, most commonly working in learning disability services, who had transferred from the NHS to voluntary sector providers. Conference regrets that little progress appears to have been made in implementing this resolution, in contrast to […]

De-skilling the Administrative & Clerical Workforce

Conference notes the reference to the reduction of medical secretarial posts and the creation of lower paid, lower skilled audio – typist roles in typing pools in Composite E carried at the 2007 Health Conference. Sadly this is a trend which is continuing within the NHS in England. Conference believes that this is a cynical […]

KSF Implementation and Monitoring

We welcome Unison’s continued commitment to the implementation of KSF and the recent addition of training money to assist staff in lower pay Bands. We are concerned however at the lack of infrastructure and investment in many organisations to support its implementation. Many organisations have no dedicated staff resource to implement and guide staff through […]

Partnership Working

Conference welcomes the progress made in embedding partnership working between unions, employers and governments at national level in each of the four countries of the UK. Whilst recognising that UNISON has significant differences with Government over the marketisation of healthcare provision in England and Northern Ireland, we believe that where we share common perspectives there […]

UNISON’s Equality Scheme and the Bargaining Agenda

Conference notes the creation of the UNISON Equality Scheme which promotes good practice in mainstreaming equalities issues throughout the union. At a time when UNISON is pressurising employers to fully implement the public sector equalities duties it is important to hold our own processes to similar levels of scrutiny. Conference calls on the Health Service […]

Employment Agencies in the NHS

Conference notes the excellent article in the November 2007 edition of UNISON In-Focus magazine concerning the TUC Campaign “Speaking up for Vulnerable Workers.” Conference notes. It is quite likely a large number of the figure estimated in the article (ranging from 250,000 to a million) work covering Agency, Casual and Migrant workers are employed in […]


Widely reported is the fact that fewer than 50 per cent of breast cancer cases can be attributed to the ‘officially recognised’ risk factors understood to increase a woman’s susceptibility to breast cancer – for example late onset of menopause, body weight, diet or late age pregnancy. A growing mountain of research points the finger […]

Organising & Bargaining in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes that, despite strong campaigning by UNISON, pay and conditions for our members in the community and voluntary sector (CVS) are inferior to those in the NHS. As CVS organisations provide an increasing number of core public services and this gap becomes more acute, it becomes increasingly unacceptable both for our members and for […]


Conference is saddened that incidents of domestic abuse are not decreasing and conviction rates, although increasing, in reality remain depressingly low. Eighty nine per cent of those suffering four or more incidents are women and one incident of domestic abuse is reported to the police every minute. Conference acknowledges the hard work that UNISON women […]


Conference applauds the decision last year to forward Motion 9 ‘Definition of Violence against Women’ to National Conference and we thank the National Women’s Committee for their work in taking forward the work contained in last year’s motion. Sadly, we were all reminded in August 2007, how our legal system fails women. On 24th August […]


This conference notes that it is some 120 years since the inaugural meeting in the Union of Women Match Makers was held in July 27 1988, and 90 years since women over 30 and married women were given the right to vote and that Parliamentary Qualification of Women Act allowed women to be elected as […]


Conference welcomes the report Moving on Up published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) in March 2007 which found that Bangladeshi, Caribbean and Pakistani girls obtain better GCSE grades, including Maths and English than white British boys. Yet graduate Bangladeshi, Caribbean and Pakistani women seeking work are five times more likely to be unemployed than […]


This conference notes that other Self Organised Groups have dedicated newsletters/publications yet none exist for Women in UNISON. Whilst we note that we are the majority in terms of membership we feel that this is not reflected in UNISON publications such as Focus. We therefore request that the National Women’s Committee prepares a report for […]