Raising the profile of LGBT workplace equality in WET

Conference welcomes the strong track record of our water, environment and transport (WET) service group on equality issues. Amongst other successes, this has resulted in a diversity of activists on our national WET service group bodies, reflecting UNISON’s rules on fair representation and proportionality. Conference acknowledges the importance of such role models and the contribution […]

Tackling Biphobia in the Energy Industry

Conference welcomes the progress we have made in putting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality on the bargaining agenda in the energy industry. However, conference notes that LGBT workers are a diverse group, who experience different types of discrimination in different ways. There is increasing understanding that issues facing transgender workers, while having many […]

Tackling Biphobia in the WET Industries

Conference welcomes the progress we have made in putting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality on the bargaining agenda in the water, environment and transport (WET) industries. However, conference notes that LGBT workers are a diverse group, who experience different types of discrimination in different ways. There is increasing understanding that issues facing transgender […]

Raising the profile of LGBT workplace equality in energy

Conference welcomes the strong track record of our energy service group on equality issues. Amongst other successes, this has resulted in a diversity of activists on our national energy service group bodies, reflecting UNISON’s rules on fair representation and proportionality, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists. Conference acknowledges the importance of such role […]

TTIP and the Water Industry

Although most water companies in the UK are already foreign owned this is not the case of Scottish Water and Dwr Cymru (Welsh Water). As such they have been protected from predatory takeovers. The Transatlantic Trade Treaty (TTIP) whilst being potentially dangerous to many sectors has declared a definite interest in opening up the European […]

The Policy Making Role of the Environment Agency

The policy making role of the Environment Agency Conference believes that the 2010-2015 coalition Government made a huge mistake when, in October 2010, it instructed the Environment Agency to “… cease policy making activities”. Previously the Environment Agency had been encouraged to use the expertise and experience at its disposal to contribute to the formulation […]

Protecting Bus Services

Conference notes the excellent work carried out by the Campaign for Better Transport (CBT) in highlighting the widespread cuts to local bus services which have taken place in recent years – in particular their report, “Buses in Crisis: A report on bus funding across England and Wales 2010 – 2015”. Conference notes that the report […]

Energy Efficiency

This conference welcomes the recent focus on domestic energy efficiency and the well documented gains a national programme of energy efficiency measures would achieve. Conference also welcomes the role that UNISON has played in raising awareness of the gains that could be achieved by producing its report ‘warm homes into the future – meeting the […]

Opposing TTIP

Conference notes the continuing action being taken by the European Union and the United States Government officials in relation to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – and opposes, as a matter of principle, the deregulation and privatisation agenda which so clearly lies at its heart. TTIP is particularly pertinent to UNISON members working […]

Changes to the Constitution of the WET Service Group

Conference notes the revised version of the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group Constitution which has been circulated in the papers distributed to delegates. Conference notes that the proposed revisions to the WET constitution have been overseen by the WET Executive and in particular by a sub-group of the WET Executive which was open to […]

Smart Meters

This conference notes that 2015 marks the beginning of the national roll out of smart meters to UK homes and that this roll out should be completed by 2020. Much positive spin has been placed on the net benefits the smart meter programme will deliver, however despite this many concerns have also been raised. Conference […]

Competition and Markets Enquiry

This conference notes that last year the energy regulator Ofgem referred the big six energy companies (British Gas, EDF, E.ON, NPower, SP and SSE) to the Competition and Markets Authority. UNISON has many thousands of members working for these employers. This referral followed an assessment of the sector by Ofgem alongside the Office of Fair […]

Disabled members and facility time

Conference is concerned to hear that facility time within the Energy Sector is being diminished. This particularly affects many representatives who are call takers, this is an occupation undertaken by many disabled members, who are already struggling to meet their targets / attendance due to their disability. Declaring your disability can be a scary thing […]

European Works Council in Iberdrola

Conference Notes 1)The increasing domination of the UK energy market by European based multinational energy companies and the detrimental impact this has on the influence national trade unions can bring to bear in representing their members. 2)The legal obligations on European companies to establish European Works Councils (EWC’s) to give a voice to employees where […]

Women Apprentices

Conference notes the much lower number of women who become apprentices in areas such as engineering, construction and information technology, and that occupational segregation within the energy sector is widespread. Whilst there are apprenticeships available for women, female dominated areas tend to offer lower wages and less chance of career progression, therefore women apprentices are […]