Equalities in the Line of Fire

Conference recognises the changing economic and political climate and the impact this may have on defending and extending the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. In times of economic hardship, women, Black, Disabled and LGBT workers suffer disproportionately. This is intensified as the help offered by public services in supporting vulnerable people […]


Conference celebrates the impressive achievements of the Cuban people in healthcare, education, sustainable development and other areas, in this the 50th anniversary year of the Cuban revolution. Conference notes that it is less well known that there have also been significant advances in recent years in the field of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in Public Life

Conference affirms the improvements made to LGBT equality in the last five years and welcomes the progress made in raising the profile of LGBT participation in our union. UNISON has always been at the forefront of the equality agenda and we can be proud of our achievements in continuing to support and encourage self organisation […]

Male Rape – Issues of Reporting and Accessing Services

This Conference expresses its disgust at all forms of sexual assault. Victims of such crimes deserve to be fully supported, treated with dignity and respect, and to receive the full protection of the law. Conference notes that sex attacks on men could be reported inconsistently; therefore male rape victims often remain invisible and unsupported. Conference […]

Working Against the Far Right

Conference recognises the hard work and achievement UNISON activists have made in combating the rise of the far right. The campaign heavily focused on the discriminatory and criminal nature of the far right, especially in terms of their racist policies, statements and actions carried out by far right group members. We know that far right […]

Campaign in the Media and Press for a more positive image of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People

Conference accepts that over the last decade the profile of LGBT people in public life has increased and there is more recognition of the equal rights of LGBT people within UK society. However, we know that despite these strides, the images of LGBT people in the media and press is still couched in stereotype and […]

European Election Results

Conference notes with concern the gains far right parties made in the recent elections for the European Parliament. Unfortunately, due to the poor turnout of electors, seats were secured in some areas. Members of the European Parliament (MEP) are elected to represent the views of all their constituents and not just their own supporters, so […]

Self Direct Support and Council Cuts

This Conference welcomes the Government’s Personalisation Agenda and the increased choice and control it will give many disabled and older people over how their individual personal and domestic needs are met. However, we are very concerned that many Local Authorities are already using the introduction to Self Direct Support (SDS) to make cuts to the […]

The Equality Bill

This Conference welcomes the Equality Bill as a consolidation of existing equality legislation, making provision for levelling up across characteristic strands: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. We also applaud the work UNISON has undertaken as a senior stakeholder in discussions with government, particularly on aspects related to: 1.Indirect […]

Awareness of non apparent disabilities

Conference agrees that both the Disability Discrimination Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty have advanced the cause of reducing discrimination against disabled workers in the workplace. However, not all forms of disability are apparent to any other person except the individual directly affected. Workers with non apparent disabilities, whether mental health, physical or other […]

UN Disability Convention

Conference notes that on 8 June 2009 th UK Government ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This means that the UK is now legally bound by the Convention. The Convention is the first human rights treaty of the 21st Century, re-affirming disabled people’s human rights and signalling a further […]

Pride in our heritage

Conference is concerned that we continued to be classed as a staff association within certain sections of the police service. UNISON is a Trade Union and as such we should take pride in our heritage, Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1) ensure that the term Trade Union is reflected in all dealings with […]

Police Staff Council (PSC) Handbook – Section 5 – Return to work after childbirth

‘Conference notes with concern that the provisions in Section 5 of the Police Staff Council Handbook, covering the right to return to work after childbirth, are no longer fit for purpose in the light of recent trends in employment. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to negotiate with the PSC to update the Handbook in […]

Safeguarding our Pay Award

‘Conference wishes to congratulate the SGE on achieving a successful outcome to the Police Staff Pay claim. The current economic climate continues to put a strain on the finances of our members and their families. The agreement will assist in alleviating some of that hardship in particular for our low paid members. Conference acknowledges that […]


Conference notes with concern the increase in “partnership working” within all of our public services, which is masking the reality of outsourcing, and undermining the excellent value for money service already being provided by our members. Within the Police Service this is steadily increasing, however at the end of February 2009 Cleveland Police announced that […]