Recognising Problems with Regards to Hot-Desking

Police forces across the country in an attempt to save money due to this governments disproportionate budget cuts are looking to rationalise their estates. This has lead to many forces selling off buildings and moving into a centralised location. These new ways of working have seen more staff moving into open plan buildings with hot […]

National Alignment of Terms and Conditions in Approved Premises

The Probation Service has just been split into 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC) and one National Probation Service (NPS). All the Approved Premises (AP) in England and Cymru Wales have been assigned to the NPS and along with the 21 CRCs will be subject to a single table national collective bargaining agreement. The APs are […]

Discipline Investigations and Processes

Conference notes that the Police Staff Council of England and Wales published Guidance on Police Staff Misconduct Procedures on 15th August 2011. These guidelines, where adopted, provide a reassuring framework for staff that are being investigated for cases of misconduct or gross misconduct. However, many investigations are being conducted by warranted police officers in Professional […]

Career Progression in the CRC?

Conference, the Probation Service has now been split into 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC) and one National Probation Service (NPS). However, the process that saw staff assigned to the CRCs and NPS was not an agreed process, nor was it fair, in many cases it was purely arbitrary with staff names being drawn out of […]

Policing the Police – Domestic Violence Policies that Work

Conference recognises that domestic violence is not a new problem but worryingly the age-old crime is being allowed to become a forgotten statistic of the ConDem police cuts. Statistics show that cases of domestic violence dramatically increase in postcode areas where there is a lack of adequate social welfare support. Austerity measures have diminished household […]


Conference fully supports the UNISON campaign for transparency and better governance with regard to the pension boards responsible for the pensions of our members, including retired members. It also supports the encouragement of UNISON members to become Member Nominated Representatives (MNRs) on those boards. It is vital to recognise the opportunity this presents to encourage […]

Volunteer Police Community Support Officers

Conference we are concerned about the recruitment of Volunteer Police Community Support Officers. These volunteers will be in full uniform and working alongside regular employed Police Community Support Officers (PCSO). They will not have the same powers as the PCSOs but will have the same core objectives and responsibilities. The main concerns are: 1)They have […]

Future of Probation Service

Probation Trusts across the country have now been abolished and replaced with 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies and a department within the Civil Service. We believe that this will significantly impact on our job roles leaving members uncertain as to what their responsibilities are. We call upon Service Group Executive to liaise with Labour Link within […]

Clothing for everyone

Conference we believe that uniform standards nationally do not reflect current definitions of transgender people. We believe it is the right of employees to wear clothing that is fit for purpose but not gender specific unless it is appropriate to their self identified gender. Conference calls on the Service Group Executive (SGE) to 1)Consult with […]

Police and Justice Funding – 2015 General Election

Since the election of the coalition government in 2010 the police and justice budget has been disproportionally slashed which has had a severe impact on UNISON members both at work and within the wider community. Conference believes this unprecedented and imbalanced attack should not be allowed to continue and must be stopped when a Labour […]

Ethical Care Charter for Commissioning Home Care

Conference welcomes the publication of Time to Care, UNISON’s Report into home care and an Ethical Care Charter for commissioning home care which sets out the following principles: 1. Visits shall be based on client need and appropriate care will be provided. Time allocated will match need and 15 minutes will not generally be appropriate […]

Travel Insurance

Conference notes with concern the lack of reviewing of the age of the older population when Travel Insurance is required. Insurance companies take no consideration for anyone becoming “over 70 years of age” and premiums are increased on age alone. Government policy on retirement age is to increase the age of retirement. Therefore we instruct […]

Defend National Terms and Conditions

Conference welcomes the work done by UNISON, and sister unions National Association of Probation Officers (Napo) and GMB, to negotiate a staff transfer and protections agreement for probation members, that protects national collective bargaining into the National Probation Service (NPS) and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs). Conference also acknowledges the protections for the continuation […]

Ethical Care Charter

Homecare workers are personally propping up a deteriorating system of adult social care but are being pushed to breaking point. That they are still willing to deliver good levels of care in spite of the system is nothing short of heroic. For the system to work it needs to be underpinned by adequate funding and […]

Probation: Stop the Sell Off

Conference condemns the decision of the Coalition Government to proceed with the split of the Probation workforce into the National Probation Service (NPS) and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) on 1 June. Conference notes that the split was undertaken despite: 1)A formal request from the probation unions to the Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary […]