
Conference notes that outsourcing and privatisation constitute a failed economic model for local government services. It only serves to reduce our members’ pay, terms and conditions and maximise profits for contractors, consultants and shareholders. Conference also notes that services get worse following privatisation and outsourcing. Private companies have a legal duty to reward shareholders, so […]

Funding for schools

This conference believes that the government proposals for school funding reform in England are flawed, unfair and fail to address the funding crisis affecting schools. The DfE proposals will only result in a flat cash settlement for schools and takes no account of the increasing costs for schools resulting from from inflation and increased staffing […]

The crisis in social care

Conference recognises that the social care system is in crisis. Council spending on social care fell by 9% in real terms between 2010 and 2015 due to huge funding cuts from central government. The number of pensioners receiving care from their local council fell by 26% over that period. The King’s Fund estimate that the […]

Youth work

Conference notes that youth work professionals, including both qualified youth workers and youth support workers, perform vital jobs in our communities. In countless ways they help young people to lead positive lives as members of society. Conference further notes that the youth work profession has come under increasing attack in recent years. The 2016 UNISON […]

Food Standards Agency – pay, terms & conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its contractors are constantly under the threat of being deregulated out of employment. They continue to face bullying, harassment and attacks in the workplace, as well as erosion to their pay and benefits. Conference also notes that the future of meat inspection […]

Workplace mental health in local government

Conference believes that mental ill-health among the local government workforce is a huge and growing concern. A culture of long hours working, bullying, harassment and abuse is commonplace among local authority staff, with three quarters reporting consequent rising stress levels and declining morale. Meanwhile growing levels of sickness absence, with no cover due to cuts […]

Local government and the cuts

Conference notes: 1) The major changes taking place in the role of local government; 2) That central government funding for local government has been in steep decline since the beginning of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2010, and that local government has taken the brunt of the policies of public sector ‘austerity’ […]

Housing Associations and Charities that refuse to recognise Trade Unions are Human Rights violators

This Community conference notes:- That a number of UK Housing Associations and Charities do not recognise trade unions for collective bargaining. Some of these employers are union busters and have de-recognised trade unions, attacked union representatives and blacklisted union and safety activists. The UN Charter of Human Rights, as well as International Labour Organisation (ILO) […]

Combating bullying and harassment of disabled workers in the Community Sector

Conference notes that workplaces in the Community sector are wide and varied ranging from national charities with thousands of workers to small organisations with a handful of staff. UNISON’s organisation within the Community sector is similarly varied with members being attached to national branches, dedicated community and voluntary sector branches, housing association branches. In some […]


Over the past few years the Fragmentation of the Community and Voluntary Sector has seen the decline of a number of community and voluntary organisations. This has resulted in the loss of staff and job roles leaving a void within the sector, where resources are diminishing. Speaking at the 2016 community service group conference in […]

Contracts and retenders

Conference notes that increasing cuts to local authority budgets and dwindling funding sources has led to contracts and retenders becoming increasingly competitive. More and more often the community sector has to compete with private companies. Contracts and future funding are being cut to the bone but the work required is being increased and the demand […]

Caucus Meeting

This Conference notes that the Black members caucus meeting at the Community Service Group Conference is the only opportunity for Black members in the Community Sector to come together to discuss their issues. The caucus meeting have been used to identify potential motions for future Conferences as well as look at workplace and Branch issues. […]

Monitoring Activism

The National Black Member’s Committee welcomes the data it received from the UNISON RMS membership database in 2012. The data shows that there are fewer than average Black activists, but more white activists. The categories for Caribbean, African, Asian, Indian (UK other) needs to be updated and used to encourage Black members to become more […]

Organising LGBT members in community

Conference notes that while the community sector is expanding rapidly, it is under unprecedented pressure, with workers expected to meet ever growing and more complex needs with decreasing resources. This is well-illustrated by the August 2016 report by the Consortium of LGBT voluntary and community organisations. 86% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community […]

Staying alive – the impact of austerity cuts on LGBT workers in community

Conference notes the report “Staying Alive: The Impact of Austerity Cuts on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Voluntary and Community Sector in England and Wales 2014, a report commissioned by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) which identified that reductions in funding from the public sector mean that LGBT community organisations are having to […]