What is an Exigency of the Service?

Conference you may recall this issue being raised a few years ago by the North West Region. Yet Conference it has become a phrase that is now being used almost on a daily basis when managers want to change/cancel annual leave, rest days, shifts etc. Merseyside’s Chief Constable, on a forum, agreed with Chief Constable […]

Unjust Sickness Self-Certification

Conference Motion 2 in 2007 was overwhelmingly carried. To date Conference notes that there has been no work undertaken by the Service Group Executive (SGE) on this issue other than a mention in the recently circulated draft Attendance Management Document. Conference notes with great concern the practice of self-certification being withdrawn. It is common practice […]

Outsourcing by Another Name!

Conference is concerned by the increase in shared service working involving the transfer of business to private companies; this is not a shared service it is outsourcing. Conference motions on this issue have been before you – motion 13 in 2005, motions 2 and 6 in 2006 and motion 9 in 2007. The Trade Union […]


Conference believes that Retired Members’ Conference should include Caucus Meetings for Black Members, Disabled Members, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Members and Women Members. This would establish parity with all the Conferences of their working counterparts who have had such meetings as part of their timetable virtually since UNISON’s inception in 1993. These meetings provide […]


Conference deplores the increasing incidence of mail, internet, phone and other scams aimed specifically at vulnerable elderly people. Tragic tales of elderly people sending off hundreds or thousands of pounds to bogus competitions, lotteries etc on the promise of a large cash prize are all too prevalent, and seem to be on the increase. Conference […]


Conference whilst accepting UNISON needs to prioritise working members’ issues, regrets the minimal support given to retired members in UNISON publications as well as the failure of some branches to maximise the potential of their retired members. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee and calls on the National Executive Council to urgently address these […]


Conference notes that the present policy for venues is to have alternating venue in the North and South of the country. Conference considers, however, that this policy means that excellent venues in Central England are being overlooked in places as diverse as Birmingham, Derby, Gloucester, Nottingham and Oxford. Conference believes that venues in Central England […]

Flexible Working

Conference is appalled that police forces are using the notion of flexible working to pursue an agenda of rationalisation which in reality is a cost cutting exercise and one based on more ‘for less’. UNISON condemns this practice that requires our members to work longer hours for no increase in salary, a pay cut by […]


This conference calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to make representations to government on behalf of pensioners protesting against a reduction in the chiropody service through the closure of chiropody clinics.


It has been more than ten years since we were promised that all hospital wards would be ‘single sex’. We are now advised that this will now not be possible and that hospitals will be encouraged to work towards providing ‘single bays’ We recognise that whilst everyone is concerned by this decision we consider that […]


Conference applauds the Law Lords for their landmark decision on 30 January 2008 ruling that courts will in future have discretion to extend the six-year limit for claimants in cases of deliberate assaults. Conference congratulates Mrs A for her persistence in pursuing this for 20 years and supports her in her claim for substantial damages […]


This conference is pleased to note the research commissioned by Harriet Harman as part of her key priorities. This report published on Tuesday 29th January 2008 confirms that advertising women for sex is widespread in local and regional newspapers. Three quarters of the papers examined for the research carried advertisements for women or services offered […]


Conference notes the announcement in the Queens Speech in November 2007 that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill would start its progress through the House of Lords almost immediately and would be debated in the House of Commons in the Spring of 2008. Whilst not the primary focus of this piece of legislation, the first […]

Gas Safety

This conference believes that public safety is being jeopardised by the gas companies’ practice of categorising gas leaks. Gas Safety Regulations state all leaks should be repaired within 12 hours. This conference is concerned that A3 gas companies have a system of categorising leaks into category “A” or category “B” leaks. A category “A” means […]

Rising Prices and Fuel Poverty

The definition of fuel poverty is generally accepted as an individual or family who spend more than 10% of their disposable income to keep warm. In 2002 when the fuel poor numbered 2m, as a developed country, we were rightly appalled. How then should we be reacting as the number rose to 4m in the […]