GATS and Public Services

Conference recognises that the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) aims to expose services world wide to competition, and is a real threat to public services in the UK. While GATS does not compel governments to liberalise, or privatise, services, there will be great pressure on them to do so. GATS is an ongoing […]

Invest in Council Housing/Decent Homes

Conference believes that decent affordable housing is a fundamental right of all citizens and is particularly concerned about the lack of supply of low cost quality homes for working people and their families in the United Kingdom. Conference notes that Government cannot now meet its Decent Homes Target of bringing all council housing up to […]

Public Service Reform

Conference recognises that the recent political debate has shifted, since the spending increases announced in 2002, from a question of extra funding to one of public service reform, with growing support for different varieties of new localism. However this debate has been marked more by rhetoric than either substance or vision. There is a contrast […]

The National Health Service

Conference welcomes the intention of the Government to increase the funding of the National Health Service (NHS) in England by 7.4 per cent in real terms over five years from 2003/4, and the Government’s stated intention of bringing UK health spending in line with the European average. This funding offers the NHS the opportunity to […]

Work Related Driving Dangers

This Energy Service Group Conference welcomes the report of the independent work related road safety task group, which confirms TUC estimates of 1,000 deaths annually in work related deaths on the road. The issue of road risk is particularly relevant for employers like United Utilities that cover hundreds of miles North to South and East […]


This Energy Service Group Conference notes with concern that employers such as Vertex, part of United Utilities, Cap, Gemini, Ernst & Young and Thames Water are actively considering transferring work to India. Negotiators in such Branches are advised to seek assurances from their employers that this issue will not escalate and put more British workers […]

Promoting Lesbian and Gay Self Organisation within the Energy Service Group

Conference notes that one of UNISON’s stated objectives is to improve the flow of information to members. Conference also notes that it is often those who are most vulnerable to discrimination from both employers and work colleagues who are the most difficult for us to reach by the ‘usual channels’. Conference believes that there are […]

Use of Volunteers

Conference is concerned over proposals to use community volunteers within the police service. Conference also notes that some police forces are already using volunteers Conference believes the practice of using volunteers undermines service levels expected of policing and places added pressure on our members, together with other members of the police family, and could put […]

Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)

Conference notes the establishment of the IPCC by the Police Reform Act 2002. Conference supports the creation of an independent and credible agency to investigate complaints against police personnel. Conference welcomes the necessary involvement of UNISON in the Home Office Working Parties setting up the structure of the IPCC and the way in which it […]

Fair Pay for Police Staff

Conference notes that threshold payment for police officers have recently been introduced. This scheme offers an additonal £1,002 to some Federated ranks, which is pensionable and will be updated annually. Conference also notes that there are other additional payments available for Federated ranks. No such payments exist for police staff. This is cleary unfair and […]

Better Funding for the Police Service

Conference notes the proliferation of short-term funding for initiatives such as CSOs and the DNA expansion project. Conference also notes that this type of funding can have a negative impact on the conditions of service of police staff and results in job insecurity. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to lobby the Home Office to […]

Call Centres

Conference notes with concern the recent report published by Mitial research which claims that one third of Britain’s call centres will close by 2005, due to a predicted exodus of contracts to emerging markets such as India and South Africa. Conference also recognises that Energywatch and Ofgem intend to focus on customer response times this […]

Call Centres

There are an increasing number of utility companies either looking at or now using overseas call centres to resource work that has previously been carried out within the UK. Many of these call centres are being set up in the Far East where the annual salary is £2000 compared to the £12000 paid in the […]

The Employment Act 2002

The Employment Bill 2003 introduced a whole host of welcome changes to Working Terms and Conditions. In particular it introduces the right for employees to request a change to working hours based upon child-care needs. This is a positive step in securing flexible working arrangements for our members. However, in order to ensure that UNISON […]

Self Organisation in Energy

This Conference welcomes the initiatives by the Energy Service Group Executive to foster and encourage self organisation in the Energy service – e.g. Lesbian and Gay Day, Disabled members’ Day, Women’s’ Seminar and Black Members Group. Conference urges branches, in consultation with regional self-organised groups, to encourage self-organisation in electricity and gas branches.