Bicon 2010

Conference notes that BiCon is an annual weekend-long gathering for bi people, their friends, partners, and others with a supportive interest in bisexuality. UNISON has been an active participant at BiCon for the last three years, providing advice on employment rights, promoting UNISON and recruiting workers into our union. Conference welcomes the fact that in […]

Increasing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Activity Throughout UNISON

Conference believes that UNISON’s LGBT members should be encouraged to be active at branch, regional and national levels and to participate in the wider union structure subject to Rule C2, which defines the rights and benefits of each category of member. Conference believes that, were this to be achieved, it would make the union more […]

Fostering and Adoption in Scotland

Conference welcomes the passing of The Adoption & Children (Scotland) Act 2007 in the Scottish Parliament which will become law in 2009. In passing this legislation and the subsequent amendment to the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations, same sex couples will now be eligible to be assessed to adopt and foster children in the same […]

Family Friendly Practice and Privacy for LGBT Carers

This Conference welcomes the government’s new emphasis on family friendly practice in the workplace, and the importance of the informal carer’ role for both LGBT and non-LGBT people and their families. Conference notes that even when inclusive family friendly policies exist, LGBT and disabled employees and people may be inadvertently outed or inappropriate questions may […]


Conference celebrates the impressive achievements of the Cuban people in healthcare, education, sustainable development and other areas, in this the 50th anniversary year of the Cuban revolution. Conference notes that it is less well known that there have also been significant advances in recent years in the field of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) […]

Funding of Places

It has come to our attention that some branches are being obstructive in their support for our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) brothers and sisters by claiming the branch can only afford to send one member to conference every second year, based on the fair representation rules, or because of financial hardship. Conference therefore […]

Equalities in the Line of Fire

Conference recognises the changing economic and political climate and the impact this may have on defending and extending the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. In times of economic hardship, women, Black, Disabled and LGBT workers suffer disproportionately. This is intensified as the help offered by public services in supporting vulnerable people […]

Maintaining Activism Against the BNP

Conference notes the recent shocking rise in candidates and actual election success’ of the BNP. The BNP stands against everything that we as trade unionists have fought and died for since our inception. The BNP is a fascist organisation, which particularly targets Black people, Muslims, migrant workers and asylum seekers. However trade unionists, lesbian, gay, […]

Support for Rural Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Youth

In rural areas many young LGBT people feel isolated, unsupported and invisible leading to increased levels of attempted suicide. Very often the support networks for young LGBT people that urban brothers and sisters enjoy just does not exist. Conference it is vital for the mental, physical and holistic well being of our young LGBT brothers […]

Backing the Fight for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Human Rights in Turkey

Conference notes that although being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not criminalised in Turkey, persecution of LGBT people is commonplace. In its annual report, Amnesty International states that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity persists, as do allegations of violence by law enforcement agents against transgender people. Hate crimes against LGBT people […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in Public Life

Conference affirms the improvements made to LGBT equality in the last five years and welcomes the progress made in raising the profile of LGBT participation in our union. UNISON has always been at the forefront of the equality agenda and we can be proud of our achievements in continuing to support and encourage self organisation […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Visibility in Public Services

Conference is concerned regarding the lack of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) visibility within public services. Whenever we go into hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, dentists, walk-in centres, one stop shops and housing offices, we are bombarded with literature relating to the heterosexual and non-transgender community. Within this literature we very rarely see any reference to […]

Male Rape – Issues of Reporting and Accessing Services

This Conference expresses its disgust at all forms of sexual assault. Victims of such crimes deserve to be fully supported, treated with dignity and respect, and to receive the full protection of the law. Conference notes that sex attacks on men could be reported inconsistently; therefore male rape victims often remain invisible and unsupported. Conference […]

Campaign in the Media and Press for a more positive image of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People

Conference accepts that over the last decade the profile of LGBT people in public life has increased and there is more recognition of the equal rights of LGBT people within UK society. However, we know that despite these strides, the images of LGBT people in the media and press is still couched in stereotype and […]

The Pink Passport

Conference recognises that in 2009 we still have a situation where LGBT people face discrimination, persecution and denial of human rights based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, in many countries in the world, including no less than 80 which continue to criminalise consenting same sex acts between adults. Many of these countries […]